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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stress Management How and Why Presentation pulled together

Images of Stress

How do you know you are stressed out, you think it is the day after your most dreaded event until your loving husband informs you that you are a day ahead of yourself and you now have 6 hours less to prepare for the presentation. {LOL}~~

OH well, :D

To start off we are going to talk about how we "Perceive" (See and think of) Stress.
Do you think stress is laughable and alittle misbehaving but mostly non-destructive like "Taz". "Just a part of life that everybody deals with"

It's a very real creature that needs to be watch for, managed and contained so that it does not cause destruction. Does stress really have sharp teeth that can tear things and people apart (including yourself).

Well all of these ailments list stress as a risk factor or contributing factor:
Cardiovascular disease
Digestive disorders
Intestinal disorders
Syncope (dizziness) due to too much adrenaline
Muscle pain and spasms
Neck pain and spasms
Sleep disorders
Psychological disorders
Mood disorders.

Okay what do you think now? Is stress real and a concern or just kind of annoying and a little "bad attitude"?

Okay now we know that what we are dealing with is serious we need a plan.

Ways to handle stress and why (see the handout "Stress and Anger are Connected Why and How to Manage Stress) http://fromtheheart-dotwigg.blogspot.com/2008/11/stress-anger-management-techniques.html

maybe your not convinced that stress is real and needs to be managed yet?

The Top 10 signs You Need To get Your S-T-R-E-S-S Level Under Control (Resource Center, Coachville, Tesdell, Dennis R. International Coach Federation, Personal Development & Self-Care Coach, orignally submitted on 5/28/97. http://topten.org/public/BF/BF33.html , viewed 12/08/08).

1. Irritablitliy and/or lack of patience

2. Poor Concentration-short attention span

3. Sleep disturbance

4. Physical Syptoms of stress (frequesnt headaches, chronic indigestion, nervousness, fatigue, depression, muscle spasms, light headedness, hair loss, biting fingernails, blurred vision, sharp off and on pain in the LEFT side of the upper chest (not where one usually gets pain associated with heart), colitis, hives, or other skin disturbances, canker sores, sensitivity to loud noises, heightened "starle reflex", chronic back-shoulder or neck pain from muscle tension, and frequent colds. SYMPTOMS CAUSED BY STRESS CAN MIMIC MANY Serious diseases.

5. Relationship Problems-Personal and Business.

6. Apathy About Your Life **** (can be a hallmark sign of depression also, and it is also a symptom of someone who has a HUGE stress overload and is "burning out".)

7. Substance Abuse (alcohol, drug, or food)

8. Significant Body Weight Changes. (gain or lose more than 10 pounds in a six month period)

9. Strong-severe Emotional Symptoms (strong emotional changes, extreme anxiety or agitation, aggressive or violent behavior, "withdrawl-isolation" behaviors, suicidal thoughts or attempts, abusive behaviors verbally or physically to ANYONE, consistant or frequent nightmares, and feeling of hopelessness or depression. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE YOUR STRESS LEVELS ARE MUCH TOO HIGH TO HANDLE ON YOUR OWN. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP WITH THESE!!!!!

10. Feedback From Friends OR Family. "You are "uptight"

THERE IS NO SHAME IN ADMITTING TO BEING STRESSED OUT AND DECIDING TO GET HELP WITH IT BEFORE IT DOES DAMAGE. There are many non-pill ways to deal with stress, such as meditiation, relaxation tapes, excercise, and other self-help methods.

Music Therapy: Music and your body: How Music Affects us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health from About.Com, Stress Management http://stress.about.com/od/tensiontamers/a/music_therapy.htm

Then we are going to review the stress relievers in the kit from the handout and build our own kit and write a stress plan as a group.

1 comment:

Beth in NC said...

Stress makes me think of anxiety. Anxiety always leads me to the scripture, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4:6). If we could just learn to hand it over to the Lord BEFORE we internalize it.

Thanks for sharing this post.
