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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Goodybye 2008!!! Hello 2009, 15 days and counting

****(Blog readers) On the blog! PAUSE (II) the playlist player, scroll down the right side bar about 1/2 way down the page. >>>> before starting the video or the sound tracks will overlap :)***********

This video is Casting Crowns "Who Am I". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2v7PrNmGQA I like this song as a perception cleaner and attitude adjustor. It really makes you think about the "TRUENESS" of life and the order things are supposed to be in. Priorities, goals, perceptions, expectations, desires, dreams, wants, needs, are all wrapped up in the position and authority God has over your life. What opinion you have of yourself and your life makes a huge difference on how you perceive life, others, even God's presence is effected.

This years is on its way out, are you happy or have you already started looking and planning for things to come next year. You have spent 365 days of your life, what did you do with it? How much of it was with God? How much of it was spent "happy" (JOYFUL) how much of it was wishing time would pass much quicker? Where do you want to be? Is God going to honor that request? How much time have you spent in the Word and Studying the Word? (There is a difference).

I like to reflect (dwell) on the years events, look back on plans, "needs and wants" that haven't been met yet and chuckle at how paramount they were back then, and how much time I wasted in pity parties and "Taz spins" and temper tantrums because things were not working out and look where things are now. Usually it invokes a huge praise feast, that God knew what was best and was able to keep everything in order and on track, and keep me in line. A feeling of peace comes over you when you see the turmoil you have been through and the yucky and ugly things and can see the good things that have happened to you. My life verses play out well during these last few weeks of the year and as the New year is coming into view. Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28!!! What are your life verses??? Can you see them played out this year???

Sometimes it takes alot of "cleaning the perception and attitude, dropping the expectations, really digging in the Word and seeing the Truth and the Light. All you need is God! He is always there, promises are kept, Love is unconditional!!! (AMEN) and with God when you are your ugliest, His love is unfailing. You cannot make Him stop loving you. Just like Noah's ark, you are SEALED!! and set to be delivered to God the Father, soon (in Christ's timing...Urggg.. that patience thing again...)

But the awesome Gift that we have 365 days a year!!! is Christ's love and comfort and the Hope that He is coming back for us and in a little while (again, Christs little while) we will be with him.

This is my other tool to really put things in perspective. This is my hearts desire!

Amy Grant, "In A Little While". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUag9EIEUE4

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