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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stress (Anger) Management Techniques

Okay, we are making progress! I have finished fine tuning my class project, and here it is. feedback would be most appreciated. These are the "take home" sheets from a "Group Presentation" I will be doing. We will review the information, look at "MY" kit and then build a kit as a group. This information will be the participants to take home and use on their own.

{You can click on the questions below, copy and paste this into your comment or email :) }

Questions to help evaluate the information and delivery

1. Is this clear, do you understand the information presented? Why or why not?

2. Is this enough information or too much information? Why

3. Do you agree with the information presented ? Why or Why not

4. Did you already know this information? How?

5. Would you consider using this technique? Why or Why not?

Other comments:

Thank you for participating!

Stress and Anger have a connection and are a big part of most peoples lives. Some people are aware (painfully at times) of their reactions to stress and anger and others do not acknowledge them but do deal with these factors. Planning and fore thought on complex and emotional issues can really help make the experience less "STRESSful" and problematic for all.

The Sheets that will be given out during the "Group Presentation/Session"

Stress and Anger are connected
Why and How to Manage Stress
By Dot Wiggins

Which comes first the rage or the flawed perception? If anger comes from unmet expectations and expectations originate in the brain, is the solution for anger outbursts in the brain too?

“That which angers you controls you”. “That which controls your mind controls your behavior”.

Know thyself! A maxim as pernicious as it is ugly. Whoever observes himself arrests his own development. A caterpillar that wanted to know himself well would never become a butterfly..... Andre Gide
Some helpful resources:
UGH! UGH! One must do SOME self-observation; that helps with our development into butterflyness. (ABC’s of Self Help, http://www.helpself.com/index.html ; 11/25/08)
E-IQ Test, http://www.helpself.com/iq-test.htm

Emotional Health = Mental Health, The following excerpt is from the self helppsychology book, Be Your Own Therapist., Thayer White MA MFT Licensed Psychotherapist, http://www.psychologyhelp.com/emot91.htm; 11/25/08

Emotionally healthy adults, with respect to anger, are comfortable with anger and hatred, their own and others (Be your own therapist, Thayer White MA MFT Licensed Psychoterapist, http://www.psychologyhelp.com/emot92.htm ; 11/25/08

Anger Tip. There are few "always" in therapy. Here is one of them: anger (including irritation, rage, hatred, etc.) is always based upon unfulfilled expectations. If I can let go of my expectations, I will not feel angry. (Be Your Own Therapist, Thayer White MA MFT Lincensed Psychotherapist, http://www.psychologyhelp.com/emot92.htm ; 11/25/08

Creative Stress Management Activities and Multi-Tasking Stress Stress Relievers
Unconventional Stress-Relievers, Scott, Elizabeth, M.S., About.com
November 1, 2007; http://stress.about.com/od/tensiontamers/a/unconventional.htm

Self consideration, awareness and evaluation of feelings, thoughts and behaviors can be pivotal in retraining oneself to make better and more beneficial decisions. Positive thinking has a direct effect on behavior and in turn effects relationships, and feelings about accomplishments and can reduce stress. How Does Positive Thinking Impact Your Stress Level?
Scott, Elizabeth , M.S., About.com, September 21, 2008; http://stress.about.com/od/lowstresslifestyle/f/positive_think.htm
(Second Page)

Stress comes in many forms and so does relief. Mix and match stress relief items, change them and keep things available, like a “Tool kit” for when stress enters your day.
Stress Tool kit Items:

In constructing your stress program, start with the tools to relieve your stress. What “healthy” things make you happy, relaxed, inspired, and rejuvenated? When stressed, decision-making can be impaired and poor judgment and lack of thought can cause unwanted consequences. We want to have a plan and tools available, so when stress hits it is relieved in a positive and healthy manner. Avoiding “false relievers” like alcohol, drugs, risky behavior, impulsive purchases, and unhealthy physical activities.

Music, Aroma therapy, Visualization cues, toys and other “handy activities”, humor and laughter inducing items, exercise, massage items, journal, religious materials, consultation with a positive influence, counseling.

Make your kit something reasonable and portable so you can carry it with you. Update it as appropriate so you will have relevant aids to help reduce the stress effectively and efficiently. Have a back up plan for “crisis” events or for long-term stress events. Write your plan out and let someone know where it is, so in the event you are in need of consoling or gentle reminders to use your plan they can help you.

Picture of "My" Kit.

Stress Plan:

How will you use your kit? Which items for which situations?

Does the location of the stressful event matter?

Having a preplanned action plan to manage your stress will help make it a successful experience. Knowing what you will do to return yourself to the “normal” “Positive” and effective thinking individual you are before the stress will help in your consistency and motivation to handle the stress effectively and not deny or ignore it until it becomes a different issue, usually Anger or worse.

When stressed about ______________________________________ I will __________________. If I am still on edge and unable to concentrate, I will do
____________________________________________. If I need to talk to someone I will call ___________________ at ______________________, or ____________________ at _______________________. If a serious or extremely upsetting event comes up I will __________________________________ and call ____________________________________ at ___________________________.

I have practiced this plan and it was successful for _____________________________ on _________________________________________. I have reviewed this plan with __________________________

and they know where I keep my “kit” and how I execute my plan.

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