
Glad you stopped by, hope you enjoy the articles and other things here. The Links are especially useful, they will take you to other websites, 2 are mine, the Dot's Literary and Creative Expressions, is where I store my short stories, poems and drawings and the Titus Homeschool blog is our blog about the family and homeschooling. The other sites are Authors that I enjoy, other homeschool or Christian resources and Music websites where you can go listen and purchase songs.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

All the pieces are coming together ~ I am completed

This week has been very productive and restorative.  Lots of trials have finally ended and as Romans 8:28 promises, it is for good not calamity.  All the tears are collected and things are finally shaping up to be something very beautiful.  Some of you know that I have another blog, Uniquely Organized and Utilized, which is for my professional services that I have been trying to share and earn income with part-time.  Well lots of adversity and loss of full-time employment lead to lots of prayer and preparation for today's activity--- Please follow this link and come over to see the BIG Changes!!


I would love for you to follow the journey and if you are on facebook please check out the page and like it, once we reach 30 likes there will be a celebration.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.  Comment here, or email me...

Continue to send me your thoughts and requests for posts and prayer requests.  "We are all in this together"

Much love ~&~


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