
Glad you stopped by, hope you enjoy the articles and other things here. The Links are especially useful, they will take you to other websites, 2 are mine, the Dot's Literary and Creative Expressions, is where I store my short stories, poems and drawings and the Titus Homeschool blog is our blog about the family and homeschooling. The other sites are Authors that I enjoy, other homeschool or Christian resources and Music websites where you can go listen and purchase songs.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

WHEW. It has been awhile, but I am back. :)

Is has been awhile but the long wait is over....  I am working on the "manual editting" of a few posts that I will be uploading later.  Been struggling alittle but, I am slowly but surely making it back and it will all work out for good :) {Romans 8:28} ~ not just verses but comforting and encouraging PROMISES from a Loving God who never! Never! Changes, Lies or Leaves us!!!!

Anyway just a little note for those that asked and were worried.  Mostly just couldn't remember my password :( but all is well and I have my notebook in a safe place and that won't happen again... I made my self an "appointment" every month to "update sign ins and check login bookmarks"  :)  Make lots of messes and mistakes but usually don't make the same one, (in the same way) twice. ~~~

Blessings ~~ and Positive Vibes
Dot ~&~

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