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Thursday, April 19, 2012

What in the heck is going on?????? What is God trying to tell me???

Times are getting so difficult for so many and so many are asking "WHAT IN THE HECK IS GOING ON"???  WHY???  What did I do to deserve this????  What is next????

I am not judging, just stating the facts, sharing the I am Dot and I have been in that square more than I have to admit.  (I confessed, {Sometimes, screaming to GOD "WHAT IN THE H... are you trying to do to me!"} and I HEARD MY GOD, say "Oh Child of Mine... and Jesus said "Forgive her father for she knows not.." but I was heart broken and ready to do ANYTHING! and found my path.  Every step is guided and usually not much beyond that is clear.  I Know He is training me to Trust and Obey Him so I stay on course. 

Walking by Faith requires alot of prayer and submitting.  Praying without ceasing was not a "suggestion" and is absolutely necessary to keep moving in the right direction without fear and anxiety, sadness and dispair. 

When I find myself confused, questioning, and anxious it lets me know I need to:

STOP!!!!!!!!!!  DROP and PRAY.....  then ask others to pray for you. (you should not have to give a long discussion about what you want prayer for, Prayer Partners and Praying Friends only need to know "PRAY".  and if someone asks you to pray for them, a simple "Lord you know who and what this is for but I am asking for you to work for whatever ... needs)

AFTER praying I try to look at the situation and myself to see:

What was the source of this? Created by God or Allowed by God.... there is a huge difference.
If it is God's doing, then I immediately remind myself that
God is a loving parent.  He is disciplining and teaching HIS CHILD  Whatever comes, He is aware of, and nothing I do surprises Him and NOTHING can change HIS MIND and HIS LOVE for me. 
My future is secure, so whatever sacrafices I have to make is for a good reason and will be worked for MY GOOD. 

God promises so much in the BIBLE and it is all so true..
Jeremiah 29:11 is not a tease or threat, it is reassurance, HE KNOWS where He is taking us and HE has accounted for every NEED we have or will have.  He will light our path and make it straight, no twists and turns and webs of deceit or confusion (HE IS CLEAR and AUTHENTIC no tricks, no barters.. HE IS GOING TO DO ALL HE PROMISED, it is just going to take longer if we don't do our part. BELIEVE, TRUST AND OBEY...  Give all our cares to HIM and Accept His Comfort and JOY.  It makes no sense to us or anyone else that we are "CONTENT' and at peace when our life is "UPSIDE DOWN and not going in a forward motion.  But have great resistence to listen to that logic and "Counsel, (it is not godly if it is contray to GOD"S WORD, I don't care how "helpful" or well documented (WORLDLY OPINIONS and WAYS--bandaids!)  NO ONE KNOWS GOD's plan for your life but GOD.  He gives us the Bible and Prayer to help us remain informed of HIS Directions and HIS answers to our needs, questions, pleas and desires. 

                             REMIND Yourself of these Truths:

HE IS TO BE OUR ALL IN ALL, not just a praise song for Sunday at Church, it is for everyday, every minute.  Several verses tell us to give him ALL of ourselves.  MIND, Heart and Body..  He created us, He knows our anatomy and physiology, our psychology, and all our needs.  He is the Great Physician, and He is always available to EVERYONE, no copy or deductible necessary ---it was already paid.

HE IS OUR MASTER, we work for HIM..  He has equiped us the Talents and given us the ability to learn to gain knowledge and skills.  We are to work! to provide for our food.  He never talks about our clothes, furniture, transportation (JESUS WALKED & RODE a donkey! not a Horse but its "COUSIN" the donkey)  but He tells us of all the things we do to ALWAYS Acknowledge Him as if we were working directly for HIM so is anything "TOO MUCH to ask???"  "Are we not paid enough to do the best job possible"???

Blessing come from God but are sometimes delivered by others, NEIGHBORS, "Brothers and Sisters in Christ", Friends, and even strangers (New Friends :D ).  We are taught that Blessings and Love are to flow like rivers, not be stored up and held for just our selfish gain.  If we have 2 loves of bread, share one with someone else.  Opportunities will come up to be the blessing and we need to ready no matter what is going on in our lives.  We have been given much to equipped us to help others not to increase our financial worth and position in social class.  When we are not faithful to God with what we have, to help us regain our solid footing.  When we become confused on how we got the things and talents we have, we praise and worship the wrong person.  God will not allow sin, LYING and STEALING and therefore we are separated until the holy spirit guides us to the revelation of our condition.  Once we realize that we took our eyes off of Jesus and started walking in our own spirit and power, it becomes clear why we are "UNDER WATER or Wallowing in the muck" all we have to do is call out and accept HIS HAND out of brier patch and allow Him to guide us back to the safety of the flock. 

If things are being removed from your life, did they become 'gods' in your life, where they more important than God and His Will for your life?  Family, Fiances, Health, Investments, Jobs, Possessions, ect.. just like the Egyptians we tend to think some of these things are responsible for our comfort and enjoyment.  Many times you can tell if this was an issue by how upset you are about losing them, if you say "I worked hard to get.. or I sacraficed to get it and now I have nothing to show for it..."  YEP you were worshipping another god instead of THE GOD.

Not all "bad situations are punishments" but all things can help us draw closer to God.  Even illnesses are allowed, not to punish but to help us develop our hearing of HIS WORD, our FAITH to see His provisions and to Discern His guidance.  If we tend to run when scared and hurting, He has us realize what strengthens us, not the medications or the vitamins, physical therapy, doctors visits. JUST HIS Healing touch and wisdom.  We can live because He is in us and He strengthens us.  Sometimes we have refused to change seasons in our life, and we need a Psalms 23 period to regroup and refresh our mind, body and soul.

Whatever the reason for the suffering, God is still with us and that alone should be enough to get through the day, the week, the year, and however long the season we are in goes for, through it all there is reassurance, blessings and confirmations that all that God says, He does and that His love endures forever....

Prayer is like God's email and He checks it all the time and answers... RIGHT ON TIME... if you are waiting for an answer, that could be THE ANSWER, until He gives you more information.  Just like at the doctor's office if you are waiting, might as well READ ~~ might I suggest the BIBLE "GOD's WORD".

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