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Saturday, October 22, 2011

I AM NOT CRYING!!! "My Eyes and Brain are sweating" ~&~

Tears are not a sign of weakness or lessness..they are usually signs of pain.
Tears can quickly dry up like the rain, and do not mean the person is insane,
Tears flow for many reasons...all tears are not created the same!                                                           Tears are not to blame or to be used to make the bearer lame.
Tears can clean the air and make relations fresh.
Tears are sometimes brought on by fear                                                                            

Recently (Last 3 years!!) I have become EXTREMELY emotional and MORE Anxious than ever (which was already pretty high---jumping out of my skin kind of reaction to conflict and hostility).  During this time, I have learned people do not know how to handle tears and emotional outbursts. (effectively).  This discovery utterly amazed me, since everyone has emotions.  I began a mission to conquer and see how the other side lives.. those with COMPLETE CONTROL at all times, never see them rattled, shaken, stirred... cool as ice and always articulate and on point.

Yeah...HA HA HA!!!!   What I found was a complete disconnect from how they act, what they say and what is really going on.  Just 'cause you don't see the meltdowns and outbursts, doesn't mean they do not occur!  Just because someone "TELLS you" they are in control of themselves and everyone around them.. well talk is cheap and can leave people in heaps.

Slowly I realized.. Uniqueness and personal choices go way deeper than the eyelashes.  And when health issues are added to the daily mix of life.. well tears can roll.

Health problems, especially CHRONIC Fatigue and Fibromyalgia (CHRONIC PAIN), Digestive problems AND emotional issues make for an interesting mix of challenges.  Nothing is impossible.  ALL THINGS (SITUATIONS & CIRCUMSTANCES, not people) are possible to overcome with enough thought, caring, determination, strength and patience (FAITH in something bigger than yourself and this green earth, helps!!!).

Knowledge brings understanding, understanding brings an informed opinion to find solutions (to the challenges, situations and circumstances (not the people).  People need basic things, COMPASSION! Acceptance (does not have to be completely understanding--all things about them or the responses, but participating with them and allow them to be themselves (tears and all), LOVE (Unconditional -TRUE and Longsuffering "get through anything" kind of committed affection and admiration of their personal makeup, (not their talents, abilities, disabilities or the such..).  Everything else is obtainable, once a person has a ground on which to run for the stars and work and function in a positive environment.~~~~~~~

Sadly, sarcastic, humorous, intellectual ("theological, philosophical or just radical talking points) political and selfish ways have replaced the old fashion personal interaction skills and methods that produce positive and encouraging learning environments and relatioships.  When you NEED positive and stable environments in order to compensate for your personal internal well-being and instead are torn down, depleted and brusied and battered from working against the flow of negativity, personal and professional attacks and unproductive exchanges and missed goal achievements it can leave a person a tad, EMOTIONAL.  Especially when the people portray and promise quite a different return on the investment of joining with them in a relationship and are seen behaving differently to others.  One has to wonder, "Is it me that makes them act and talk like this"?????

I have learned through trial and error, lots of soul searching and experimenting AND PROFESSIONAL Counceling.  That NO! it is not me nor anyone else that can be blamed for the unflattering and unkind behavior, speech, uncommittal and unproductive behaviors.  CHOICES!! are made every second.. reactions are choices... responses are needed but when, how, where and what kind of response is all up to the person giving the reaction.  If they are acting on poor internal beliefs and feelings (EMOTIONS) they will respond poorly and that is their decision to "go with the flow of how they are feeling at the moment".

EVERYONE needs to be respectful, thoughtful and purposed with how they respond to people, situations and circumstances.  Always rememebering people are involved and that every complex and big decision comes down to the effect it will have on the people involved.

Next time you see someone crying... how will you respond?????  Trying thinking differently and see if the reactions are different...  Doing the right thing is not about trying to control the current situation but more out the end result..it is investing in the future.  Wear waterproof clothing and stand back a few feet and ACCEPT the person and the tears might diminish.. 

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