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Monday, February 21, 2011

I Don't Understand you all either!...Oh, well! I think I am right and you think I am wrong, "Be Patient God Isn't Finished with me!" He takes suggestion!, Drop to you knees and He is listening! :)

"What are you saying? "
I can't understand you....you make no sense!

Who me?????  oh well, I will just chew my time!! you will learn soon :)!
If I had a dollar for everytime I heard this said to me I would be a millionaire !  (ha, ha.)

~~~~LIAR LIAR pants on FIRE!  I am going to take it to the wire! I speak English...and I mean what I say!

When I say I am a follower of Jesus Christ, I mean....
When I say I LOVE (verb!) you, I mean.....
When I say I am hurt by you, I mean....
  I am Presumptive that it was not intended the first time, habitual and consistent reoccurances, (offenses) makes me wonder...

I am consciously and diligently (TRYING!) to be, submissive to authority of my husband "As it is written in scripture!"(rightness or wrongness is not my job) inconvenience or unpopular opinion, is not my problem, I did what I was instructed to do...(unless is it a clear sin and then I am sacraficing by dealing with his wrath and doing what is right) so Judge me rightly! and put the stones down cause you know you are not without "wrongful stepping". 
I will pray for you ~~~you pray for me.  If you doubt me, ask him! (my husband) will proudly say, "Yes, I told her that..." and if not he should be warned the "Eve" is gathering dangerous apples.... he is the leader of our home.! (WARNING! You will probably be a bit surprised but he knows most of my actions and although he does not like it, I have discussed things with him. (although sometimes not fully enough to get my marching orders and full agreement, but I am human and I rectify the situations!)

Everyone has given me so much grief about not "understanding me" and that what I say "being utter nonsense". (NO ONE BELIEVES THAT OR DOES THAT!
             I began saying "Oh, I am sorry translation difficulties..I speak "Dot-ese (Like Japan ese or Chin ese.."refering to"-DOT.. but although my language of honesty, careful and meaningful speech that is backed with ethics and moral obligation is "UNIQUE" and unfamiliar to some, prior to 2000 this was my native language and shared language of my family, community.  I learned to speak this way from Ethical, Moral and Obligated people and therefore, "EMO" means a good thing to me.. as "happiness" is not a destination or process that I espire to.  And when the trials and struggles are raging and difficult the "outer appearance may not be "colorful or exciting" but the inner core is going to be all the better when "construction" is done!.  "Please be patient with me, God is not finished yet!" means more than a catchy phrase and popular song of the 80's!!!

I am speaking "English" and if you look up my words in a dictionary "Webster or Random House or whatever...the words I carefully and mindfully choose "word choice which is a mark of effective speaking" (over think, too deep for some peoples taste) but too bad, that is how I was taught,   I LOVE and RESPECT my parents still, even though I am grown and a mother myself.  The best way to HONOR our parents and reward them for the investment and guidance they gave us, (hopefully the introduction to Jesus Christ) and their ways were the ones written in the Holy BIBLE, if not, once you meet Jesus Christ at the Cross and accept HIM, and the gift of LIFE in HIM, you ADOPT His ways....

"My Momma (and Daddy) told me....!

"Don't say something if you don't understand it, and if you say it, then you are obligated to adhere to what you said (IF YOU SAY IT, MEAN IT, or mean what you say!). 
   The Bible says in the Ten Commandments and in several verses through out the text... "Children OBEY your parents...."  my favorite, the Most Detailed.. Ephesians 6:1 ~~ King James BibleIn the "olden days" a persons word was taken at "face value" based on that person's reputation, (history of standing on the promises and statements they made) further "assurance of the validability of there statements may require proof or confirmation of 2 or 3 other people testifying for or agreeing with the speaker (defendant).  This process was essential for daily life as a persons name and their word are the only things that could not be taken away.  Our legal system utilizes this "process", "professional organizations are based on the same premise, credentialing, verifications, credit reports convert this process into a numerical number that is used to judge a person and their "value and esteem  (second definition) due (slang/informal: clout) Random House College Dictionary, Revised Edition (C) 1980, pg 255 "Informal"

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 
   Now, notice there is a "Modifier (specification or clarifier) In the Lord! 

WHAT----  OBEY your parents!
WHY------------------------------------ FOR IT IS RIGHT!
According to whom??? GOD! who is worthy to be Praise, Respected and Loved and parents are His Children and therefore are Worthy to be Respected and Loved...  (to show love you need to respect!) hint hint.  everytime you say you Love yet you respect and obey not you sin X3! and not just against your parents, .... You are sinning against GOD (x3) so for 1sinful act of disobedience (which contains lying, disrespect, and not showing love) now if the action is WRONG too (foul language, foolishness, unloving acts, violence ect..) well then you have quit a mess!.

As a parent we are Required to teach our children about God and His ways.  We are to not only share who God is, (Witnessing ourselves, not just taking them to others to "talk them into accepting Jesus Christ as their savior and get baptised and start serving at church and then order our fish for the back of our car and throw ourselves a party), Once they accept Him as their savior, we are to "Nourish them on their "daily bread" and help them sip from the Lords cup and grow in the Lord, just like we do for the "other new believers" at the church. 

The "job" of Parent is from sunrise to sunset and begins again when the sunrises the next morning.  And there are consequences for disobeying our "Heavenly Father", but the REAL consequences are for the child.
                          Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ESV “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (5) You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (6) And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. (7) You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (8) You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. (9) You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

The very verse we quote to them to get our OBEDIENCE and Respect, has a part for us.  In English we like to have this separations and paragraphs however, in the original scriptures there are not separations and headings this passage is one whole writing! It makes so much more of an impact when it is reviews together and the RELATIONSHIP and Inclusion (informal: in) of all the 'parts' (people).

Ephesians 6:1-4 ESV Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (2) “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), (3) “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” (4) Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Okay so if you want the "result" (OBEDIENCE) then you need to fulfill the "Requirements of the position or profession.

I abide by the Rules, I perform my duties, and confess my sins when I am wrong, I make restitution for my wrong doings.  I show love in deeds, not just words.  Yet I receive not?  Is it me???  am I not worthy???  Those I 'expect" and request these things from proclaim that they BELIEVE in HIM also, are they not required to live the scriptures too??  am I being judgemental, unloving????  am I misunderstanding.
NO!.   But.... this is not my battle to "fix" them.  I MUST continue doing what my Father has instructed me to do, regardless of the outcome.  Teaching is not judged on the students behavior, the student is judged by his own actions.  AS LONG AS THE LESSONS are from the Holy Scriptures and are for HIS PURPOSE!. 
If the kitchen skills are not learned.... I taught him. hundreds of times!
If the organizational skills and physical care of items is not learned.... I taught him, hundreds of times!...
If the truth and loving speach does not come from his lips AND I discipline him, yet he complies not.... I did as I was suppose to and I only have to stay committed and available to be the mother I was made by HIM.
Althought I am angered... I WILL NOT sin and lash out in harmful and ugly talk (anymore :), I am human!) I will not grow weary in going good because that is what MY HEAVENLY FATHER and My earthly parents taught me and instruct me to do.  You DO NOT QUIT!  You do not leave, You keep doing what is Right and mind your P's (Perserverance) and Q's (quietism; extinction of the will and worldly interests,  and passive meditation on the divine.)

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