What they may intend or fashion against you ......HE WILL use it for YOUR good! (Romans 8:28!), and Jeremiah 29:11! Are about your Comfort and Blessing in your situation.. Cures are good but...He does not promise us that He promises us Comfort, Delivery, Hope and Salvation from lies and sin (even when we are the providers of the lies and sin) believing in others for these things is a sin! and we need to forgive ourselves and let the TRUTH set us free.
"""""""""Dot story and application of a scripture! Romans 1:25; if you want the Scripture and links to the
I KNOW THE BIBLE page on facebook hit the button >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and drag down to the bottom ~~~It IS Written~~*********
Today was a rough day AND then my son called from school informing me he was nauseous and needed to come home! Hit my knees again! okay GOD what are you trying to tell me...
Well, debating if I was going to go... oh who am I kidding, even if he is not "Sick enough to come home" I can't leave him there feeling bad.. I went and picked him up and he seemed surprised I came, I told him I was coming but he was appreciative! (felt alittle bad he had to feel as bad as he looked to APPRECIATE me, but I had prayed something made him realize how much I did for him that "is not in my job description".)
Then the doctor's office called with my lab results.... things I researched and have been asking about for months! (much to everyones irritation and annoyance) and refused to take prescriptions until we were sure there wasn't a "natural remedy". And the levels were LOW! my body is lacking in the basics needed to function and yet I have been doing...and now I can't barely speak and function for more than 2 hours. I said "THIS IS NOT NORMAL, and my cravings would make a pregnant women look at me funny. Everyone knows that cravings are indications of nutrional needs. "Can't getting enough" of a certain item is usually a sign of a deficiency. When you take a multivitamin it helps keep levels within normal ranges but everyone is different and some people show symptoms as the numbers slip to the low side of normal and by the time the DEFICIENCY shows up the body is already struggling.
Ah..finally an answer! PROOF I knew what I was talking about.. for a moment the anger I had for the last 3 months heated up and exploded and then I thought. Why am I mad at people who "are just doing their job", and are limited in what they can see, and know since they are doing "what they think"?
Why waste on more minute feeling embarrassed, worried, fearful of what could be, what damage has occurred.?..Why bother on the lateral plane..?
God knew what was wrong and He guided me through this process for a reason.
If I was working.. this "recovery would have taken so much longer..
I would not have been able to choose the "Natural plan".
I would not have rested and gotten the time to read and research.
I would not have realized the error of my faithless heart and taken back my trust and reliance on people and trying to please others that I had devoted myself to like a job or a twisted relationship that many call "TOXIC".
Well I detoxed and it only took a few minutes!
Many have spent years in school and business dealing with medication, nutrition and yet the cannot or will not offer assistance. "Professionals that want me to pay them won't answer questions or consider modifying THEIR plan for my comfort or enjoyment. HMMMM......
All things are possible! Through Jesus Christ who Strengthens ME!.I do not harbor hard feelings or anger (opposite of love!) hatred, bitterness or whatever, as that is "CLUTTER OF THE HEART, and I am too many years freed from that foolish decision to live with a hard heart and carry around all that extra weight. Instead, I do what I do best...Repeat myself and scripture. Ephesians 4:32 shows me this is such a better way, because "IT IS WRITTEN and examples of APPLICATION are also given to me to learn how to do it.
Then..I got on Facebook and found this "Confirmation!" and saw the path so Brightly shining and KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt! The lies I was feeding my self.. "I need this person's help" "I need to talk to someone about this to make sure I am right" "I need to trust them more, even though they don't seem convinced they are right either"... bound me with my fears, obligations, prior commitments, and with a few pings of wisdom I saw that this was not the RIGHT ANSWER FOR ME!
It is about me and the only one that truly "WORKS for the good of ME!" is Jesus Christ!
He will guide me and lead me to "helpers that are filled with the holy spirit" to counsel me and assist me in hearing God's voice and instructions. They are not going to "TELL me How to do things and that I MUST do things that do not seem right, just to see if they might work.
Truth is not a spotlight like the car dealers us to draw attention to themselves. Truth is the small candle in a windy night trying to find a lost and scaried animal or to light the way to the kitchen when the power (Earthly solution to darkness) is out. Truth is a product of love and therefore has to contain love, and abide by its character
(I Corinthians 13:4-10)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It IS Written~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****
This is from one of my favorite "Bible pages on facebook" I Know The Bible Is Right
Be real with yourself........We tell the greatest lies to ourselves until we believe them. Then we walk around living a lie. Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. ~ Eld. Glen Johnson
Do you have some lies chaining you to things, habits, ill feelings?? Set yourself FREE!
YOU CAN DO IT! Turn it over to God, who is able and Just to see you through the situation. Remember what he did for victimized, abused and abandoned Joseph...He made him a King, and THE KING over his former brothers who hated, abused and abandoned him, and he had the awesome gift of showing his SUPERIOR CHARACTER by helping his brothers who offended him and to Bless them with the gifts that God had provided him for such a time as this. Vengence is the Lords, Battles are fought under his command.(Joshua and Jeremiah) But we have body armor if we choose to use it. THE WORD OF GOD is a light unto my path...
I WILL STAND ALONE on the Word of God :). and toss sweet grapes from the vine that connects us. :)
"""""""""Dot story and application of a scripture! Romans 1:25; if you want the Scripture and links to the
I KNOW THE BIBLE page on facebook hit the button >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and drag down to the bottom ~~~It IS Written~~*********
Today was a rough day AND then my son called from school informing me he was nauseous and needed to come home! Hit my knees again! okay GOD what are you trying to tell me...
Well, debating if I was going to go... oh who am I kidding, even if he is not "Sick enough to come home" I can't leave him there feeling bad.. I went and picked him up and he seemed surprised I came, I told him I was coming but he was appreciative! (felt alittle bad he had to feel as bad as he looked to APPRECIATE me, but I had prayed something made him realize how much I did for him that "is not in my job description".)
Then the doctor's office called with my lab results.... things I researched and have been asking about for months! (much to everyones irritation and annoyance) and refused to take prescriptions until we were sure there wasn't a "natural remedy". And the levels were LOW! my body is lacking in the basics needed to function and yet I have been doing...and now I can't barely speak and function for more than 2 hours. I said "THIS IS NOT NORMAL, and my cravings would make a pregnant women look at me funny. Everyone knows that cravings are indications of nutrional needs. "Can't getting enough" of a certain item is usually a sign of a deficiency. When you take a multivitamin it helps keep levels within normal ranges but everyone is different and some people show symptoms as the numbers slip to the low side of normal and by the time the DEFICIENCY shows up the body is already struggling.
Ah..finally an answer! PROOF I knew what I was talking about.. for a moment the anger I had for the last 3 months heated up and exploded and then I thought. Why am I mad at people who "are just doing their job", and are limited in what they can see, and know since they are doing "what they think"?
Why waste on more minute feeling embarrassed, worried, fearful of what could be, what damage has occurred.?..Why bother on the lateral plane..?
God knew what was wrong and He guided me through this process for a reason.
If I was working.. this "recovery would have taken so much longer..
I would not have been able to choose the "Natural plan".
I would not have rested and gotten the time to read and research.
I would not have realized the error of my faithless heart and taken back my trust and reliance on people and trying to please others that I had devoted myself to like a job or a twisted relationship that many call "TOXIC".
Well I detoxed and it only took a few minutes!
Many have spent years in school and business dealing with medication, nutrition and yet the cannot or will not offer assistance. "Professionals that want me to pay them won't answer questions or consider modifying THEIR plan for my comfort or enjoyment. HMMMM......
All things are possible! Through Jesus Christ who Strengthens ME!.I do not harbor hard feelings or anger (opposite of love!) hatred, bitterness or whatever, as that is "CLUTTER OF THE HEART, and I am too many years freed from that foolish decision to live with a hard heart and carry around all that extra weight. Instead, I do what I do best...Repeat myself and scripture. Ephesians 4:32 shows me this is such a better way, because "IT IS WRITTEN and examples of APPLICATION are also given to me to learn how to do it.
Then..I got on Facebook and found this "Confirmation!" and saw the path so Brightly shining and KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt! The lies I was feeding my self.. "I need this person's help" "I need to talk to someone about this to make sure I am right" "I need to trust them more, even though they don't seem convinced they are right either"... bound me with my fears, obligations, prior commitments, and with a few pings of wisdom I saw that this was not the RIGHT ANSWER FOR ME!
It is about me and the only one that truly "WORKS for the good of ME!" is Jesus Christ!
He will guide me and lead me to "helpers that are filled with the holy spirit" to counsel me and assist me in hearing God's voice and instructions. They are not going to "TELL me How to do things and that I MUST do things that do not seem right, just to see if they might work.
Truth is not a spotlight like the car dealers us to draw attention to themselves. Truth is the small candle in a windy night trying to find a lost and scaried animal or to light the way to the kitchen when the power (Earthly solution to darkness) is out. Truth is a product of love and therefore has to contain love, and abide by its character
(I Corinthians 13:4-10)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It IS Written~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****
This is from one of my favorite "Bible pages on facebook" I Know The Bible Is Right
Be real with yourself........We tell the greatest lies to ourselves until we believe them. Then we walk around living a lie. Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. ~ Eld. Glen Johnson
Do you have some lies chaining you to things, habits, ill feelings?? Set yourself FREE!
YOU CAN DO IT! Turn it over to God, who is able and Just to see you through the situation. Remember what he did for victimized, abused and abandoned Joseph...He made him a King, and THE KING over his former brothers who hated, abused and abandoned him, and he had the awesome gift of showing his SUPERIOR CHARACTER by helping his brothers who offended him and to Bless them with the gifts that God had provided him for such a time as this. Vengence is the Lords, Battles are fought under his command.(Joshua and Jeremiah) But we have body armor if we choose to use it. THE WORD OF GOD is a light unto my path...
I WILL STAND ALONE on the Word of God :). and toss sweet grapes from the vine that connects us. :)
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