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Thursday, February 24, 2011

My body's Knots gave me an idea (~)~Knots on a string that will bring enjoyment and profit.

Well I decided I am not going to keep letting others impact my recovery from this Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia flare up.  I do for others and now I must do for myself.  I have to follow the diets and get the exercise I can and when I can't move and do what others think I could/should or would be doing.  Rest and Relaxing, Exercising and Stretching so that the knots in my body stop wrecking my sleep and causing me pain and weakness.

I started reorganzing some of my stuff that I planned on working on and found my Rope, String, Wire, and beads and found some encourangement and hopefully some answers to the need for income until I find a "Real" job.  I have applied for more part-time or temporary work that I even want to see in writing, but have been avoiding going for the full time and/or Medical Positions until I was back on track.  Knowing how exhausted full days on my feet and then coming home to all the 'wants and needs' of the house and household occupants wore me down to this point.

How Poetic! Tied in knots and about to tie knots...

"Tie" ~~to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted.

Knot ~~interlacing of a cord, rope, or the like, drawn tight into a knob or lump, for fastening two cords together or a cord to something else. farther down, in the defintions is the Anatomy/zoology: a protuberance or swelling on or in a part or process. as in a muscle. Nautical~~a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile or about 1.15 statue miles per hour.

I have made lots of changes, adjustments, sacrafices to heal and avoid having such a severe flare up again..
Found like pick-me ups and encouraging symbols for myself to help on the "bad days" and these are a few of the symbols I have fell in love with and received relief and encouragement from.

So we have "Strings of knots and hope"  When in need of Strength and Encouragement these 'laces can be worn or tied in bigger knots.  They are adjustable because they were tied and not glued or welded together, they are tied together.

Bead enveloped in "Nickel/Silver" metal resting place. on a black cord $10.00  This can be your "worry" or "stress" stone.

"Stength is a long journey but is a jewel in the end"  Black and silver "S" wooden bead with silver bead on the end.  $ 5.00

"S" Strength with 4 corner knotted pendent with 4 hooks for charms on the bottom.   $20.00

3 golden basket-woven bead that spin on a gold wire. Tied on a brown leather lace.  $10.00

Golden basket woven button earings.
$ 5.00
Email me for more information or to place an order.    Accept Paypal cash payments.

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