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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good Times, Good Memories ......A Good Life and A Good Legacy

Love this song!!! It is from a good era (THE 80's) The memories of cutting up at the clubs with friends to this song. (mmmmmm make me very thankful there wasn't video and phone cameras everywhere back then... and thank goodness no youtube, either!!. {LOL}, and thank goodness for getting older, and time making the memories fade!!!)

Other Fun things!
80's music, videos, trivia and more http://www.i80s.com/

Do you remember the big hair, blue eye shadow, poofy dresses, jelly shoes, "tails shirts, the belts!!!!, leggin pants and stirrup pants.

Do you remember the 80's fondly? Where they good times? High school, first loves, first jobs, starting careers, college, parties, cars, "hanging out". Life is full of memories, and times of excitement and then there are times that you just want to pass through the hour glass and be forgotten. Our days are important, our dreams, plans and hopes are steps in the journey. Remembering, reliving and treasuring the good helps get us through the other times.

How do you relive the good times? What do you do with your memorabilia? Do you still listen to the good music and treasure your pictures, yearbooks, and trinkets?

Life is a journey, and sometimes it will get tough and boring, irritating and "what in the heck am I doing". But, to embrace the challenges, and look forward to outlive the embarrassing or painful times is what makes it interesting. Die you hair, radically change your hairstyle, digg deep and make a change that you have always wanted to make. Invest in your time, "make your dash memorable, recordable and respectable". Make a Legacy that will speak well of the "REAL You". If your first draft has not been the best reflection of you, start a new one and make this one purposely good and honorable.

You Rock so your days and memories should too! If you do not like the tune of your life, Change the channel. The input and influences you allow to be a part of your life effect you and your legacy. Be selective and read your scrapbook every once and awhile to see what you are laying down on the pages of your Life's Story. Are you proud of what you see? If not, Change it! You are hear now to explain and speak, but what about when your not? Will someone be able to look through your photo albums, your scrapbooks, your bookshelves, blogs, writings and know who you were? Does your legacy reflect the real you? What you believed in? Can anyone testify to the kind of life you lived? Will they have good to say? Who will they say you lived for? What or who was the thing you would give your life for (literally)?
Need some ideas or help starting to write your "Life's Story" and document your legacy. Check out http://www.lisawhelchel.com/scrapbook/scrapbook_5.html or http://www.storyofmylife.com/?gclid=CNuXuZvh95YCFQ-bnAodZC3RZA

Life is a choice of what you make it! Life is, but living takes action and it is how you LIVED that defines you when your gone.

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