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Thursday, November 13, 2008

To Cry or Not to Cry is a choice but does not indicate if there is PAIN!!!

This song (She never cried in front of me by Toby Keith) is very good, listen to the words, watch the womans face and eyes. Just because we do not see a person's pain does not mean it is not intense and real. We need to be sensitive and understanding of the people we are around. How do they feel about things? How are they "REALLY" doing? We need to listen with our hearts (everyone has one and everyone is capable of caring, especially when they are a christian. Christ's heart breaks for people, he cares deeply for everyone, shouldn't we?)

Why is it that we can only tell someone is hurting when we see the tears? So, if someone does not cry they are not hurting? Who makes these stupid rules, and were is the compassion?( Another good song, "Everyone Needs Compassion") It is quite ironic, when you do cry, people cannot handle it and get irritated because they do not know what to do. They do not always say it, but they usually distance themselves or ignore the waterworks but, you can tell it makes people uncomfortable.

Why do we expect the hurting person to tell someone they are hurting? This world has made emotions and feeling for people a bad thing. Showing emotions is a liability, sign of lesser intellegence and a weakness. Well that is just uggggh! Enough is Enough, we are loosing people right and left. The hurting is all around, it is so sad to watch people (a strange obsession, but a real learning tool) and to see the walls and the distrust even among couples, families, friends. Psychological disorders, personality disorders, depression, suicide, and runaways are on the rise and the people left outside of this hurting persons life do not understand.

The basic human needs of Love, Acceptance, and Security are necessary for normal daily existence. Not an abundant and fullfilling life, just to exsist and function. When one of these needs is unmet or denied for any amount of time, our human brain develops negative messages and then behaviors develop from those messages.

Rejection and disapproval is one of the most destructive and wounding experiences we face as humans. It can be blamed for many of the negative thought processes that become behaviors. An example, someone that is either truly rejected or preceives rejection (disapproval) can develop many negative thought processes like "she is not worthy" "she is not attractive" and the beginning of body image issues and self estem problems arrise. Then they are at a disadvantage of ever feeling loved, accepted and secure because they have "learned" they are not, because they are not worth it. And where one negative thought is another is coming quickly and two negative thoughts are enough to bring a life into chaos {lack of order (disorder)}, the pattern is set, and a cycle will ensue if something is not done. This is why God warns us in several scriptures to "watch out for the temptations", "renew our minds", "do not allow a foot hold to make our foot slip". But, if we do HE is always right there with us!!

1 Corinthians 3:16
Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's Temple, God will destroy him, for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
(As christians we have precious cargo!! Christ is alive AND in us!!!) (We have a protection on us, stronger than scotchguard, the hurt and the dirt still gets on us but!!! It wipes right away, with alittle PRESSURE and some blotting (tears :)???

Our christian walk can help with these issues, but sometimes these things happen in churches, and by Christians. After, all Christians are human, but the connection between them and God make it hard to embrace God because of the treatment by God's People. Many a hurting person has left church and has a negative attitude toward the Bible and God, because it only "brings them down and makes them feel worse". Their perception is all ascue, because of all the negative messages, misconceptions, misunderstandings, the rejection and isolation have removed any self worth they had and they are angry and confused and desperately want to feel whole.

"What can make them whole again"? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!

They need prayer for them,and with them! They need to have their structure repaired, they mind renewed and the Truth will light their life.

Christ Jesus is all they need, it is what they really want, they just cannot risk another rejection another wound. They have to protect themselves from being hurt again, they are not consciously thinking about hurting anyone else, they are just trying to get away from the threat, avoiding hearing the voices "you are not worth their time" "you are not worth the trouble" "you are not as good as we are". It is not that these things are always said to them, but the attitudes and the fact that they are not told. "You are important", "You are attractive", "You are worthy" "No matter what You are loved, because Christ said, He Loves you! He sent his son to die for YOU! You are HIS daughter, he is the KING of KINGS, you are the Daughter and therefore a princess!

So what does that have to do with us? We are the Body of Christ in a very literal way. Reread 1 Corinthians 3:16 again, "He abides in us" so we need to be there for the hurting ones, we need to pray (real heartfelt prayer) with them and for them, we need to take them to Jesus. If they are standing in front of you with gapping, deep, bleeding wounds wouldn't you take them to the hospital for emergency care? Well, spiritual emergency care, is taking them to prayer, if they refuse to go, you can still pray for them and making sure they can see Jesus and eventually they will receive the Love that they need.

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