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Monday, October 20, 2008

LOVE one another

L.O.V.E. Lift our voices of encouragement to others.

"A New Commandment I give to you, that you Love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." John 13:34

"Be Encouraged, You Who Worship God" Psalm 69:32 NCV

"I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other." Romans 1:12 NLT

Some much is said now a days, we hardly write anything, and unfortunately we hardly encourage each other either. We are better about encouraging someone when we like what they are doing, approve or everyone else is doing it. However, when we are the ones to encourage something that others have not supported or instead of weighing in on the negative we lend a sympathetic ear and gentely suggest more consideration on the matter, or maybe a different approach but add a " you will find the answer" or inspire them with a scripture that can help them. Prayer is the best encouragement and there is something about having some TELL you, I am praying for you. It is equivalent to having someone call to you when you have run off the road and tell you "I have called for help, hang in there".

Encouragement and compassion even when someone is behaving less than idealy, is a compassionate thing to do. Christ always encouraged when he talked with people, Zachkius, Matthew, John, Peter, James, Haggar, the Samaritan women, the adultress, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary. He reminded them of the good and started the truth in a compassion and caring way, no accusations, no judgement, just the facts as they related to the situation and if it was not necessary to say in detail he would just illude to the fact, like with the woman at the well. Not in a false flattery way, in bad situations you really have to rely on God to give you the wise words to offer to someone, but the facts are usually a safe and good thing to use to encourage. "You are strong and equipped for this situation,", "You are not alone, God is beside you and I am praying for you".

We use worldly phrases and promises, cards and physical visits which are good, but we have some Holy and powerful encourging tools that we need to use. Redirecting our hurting brother or sisters eyes back to Jesus, He is the one who can change this situation. We are here for support and encouragement but depending and relying on us is detracting and distracting to them feeling the AWESOME touch of the Father. Prayer, is the best gift and more comforting, it is our line of communication to the Heavenly Father and is our sign of encouragement and support.

Encouragement does not have to just be in the "Big" storms, it can be a day to day thing. Whenever someone's light is less than spectactular, encourage them to plug in and get a recharge from the power source, Talking with the Father, aka PRAYER. Whenever someone is confused, lonely, overwhelmed, doubting, questioning, anger, bitter,..... anything that dims their light, charge them up. Lift them up. and tell them SHINE ON!!!

This little light of mine,
I am going to let it shine,
let it shine, let it shine,
No one is going to put it out
not even the Devil, oh no
I am going to let it shine
let it shine, let it shine,
Remember who the light is, Christ Jesus, when we let our light shine, they are seeing Jesus. Love them like Jesus!!!
Encourage someone today. It is not hard, just let it flow through you, "Have love like a river"

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