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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Believe, Faith, Peace, Joy

Believing, Faith, Peace and Joy are a Journey
Today things seem to require more and more faith; believing without seeing. Our human sight is more misleading than it is helpful. Blind people are able to function well because their other senses highten and replace the input of the eyes. Think about hearing, feeling, and smelling your way through your day... Have you ever played the game where you close your eyes and someone writes on your back? You think about the person writing and concentrate on the feeling of the pen on your skin and think about the shapes of letters and you get a mental picture in you "minds eye" and can usually figure out what it is they wrote. :) (oh, the fun we had when we were younger!!).

Well, as christians we can do the same thing, rely on our spirit, our knowledge of God, that God is in control and that He is working things for our good not to harm us. This life is temporary, working is necessary to provide an income, but our dreams and goals have no ceiling on them, the top of our "corporate" ladder is the clouds. We are equipped and able to do anything God brings us to, because He is going to bring us through it. He promises us this and many other wonerfully enpowering things in scripture on tactical connection to God, we can hold his promises, His instruction, His comforting messages in our hands and then put them in our hearts, and minds which will help direct us and keep us on the right path even though we cannot see it with our eyes, we can have the peace and joy of knowing we are on the "straight path of righteousness and walking and talking with our GOD!!".

Men {people not just males :)! } are not cast off by the Lord forever.
Though be brings grief, he will show compassion,
so great is his unfailing love.
For he does not willingly bring affliction
or grief to the children of men.
Lamentations 3:31-33

Jesus said; "In this world you WILL have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

Problems and challenges are not results of mistakes and misbehavior (although sometimes consequences of such are coincedences) they are opportunities to build faith and growth in Christ and in character.

Be encouraged, and Believe.

**Play Sugarland, "Believe" on the playlist player. This song is one of my favorites, and Yes, God can speak through secular music :) (You just have to hear him!).

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