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Friday, October 17, 2008

Laughter is good for the Soul

Laughter is the music that comes from Joy.
Joy comes from the Lord
The Lord says, to laugh and be joyful
So I will laugh as worship and in obedience.

I am definitely staight and serious 70% and deep in thought 18% , stamming and stumbling 10% and cluelesssly and anxiously correcting 2% of the time, so humor was (Praise and answer to pray!) usually a misunderstanding or one of my "stumbles". I never really appreciated humor or laughing, I was working to hard to catch up or learn something I did not know and wanted to be respected not laughed at, so I avoided comedy and joking and that sort of wasting time.

I was having a conversation and about every other statement the person was cracking up. As usual I did not handle it well, and my emotions started to get the best of me, they noticed and commented. "what is wrong, you have to laugh at yourself once and awhile" to which with all my grace and maturity I retorted "why everyone else does enough for me and them". They investigated into the situation, and asked don't you find this funny? to which I said, "How can this be funny it is so irritating to keep having this pattern of screwups and looking like an idiot 90% of the time and not being able to fix anything". And then they said the funniest thing that cracked the rock, which is my head and the laughter rolled. "Why do you think You need to fix anything, and screw ups are what is funny look at Lucille Ball (I loved I love Lucy, but because she made me feel smart and well behaved), and the harder you work to not screwup makes it even funnier. OH!!!!

Even bad situations can be looked back on and seen as humorous, because it reminds us that God is in control and just how "short" of perfection we are, even when conciously work at being better, we still goof. Laughter is a gift, it is a medicine.

In scripture it tells us to laugh and refrain from bitterness, anxiousness, depressed feelings, we are to cast everything at the feet of Christ. Our mistakes, our short comings, our inefficiencies, our attitude problems, our lack of ....., all of that is part of being human. Being tired, grumpy and not smiley all the time is not the sin, BUT, it is letting a foothold be established, it is a temptation, and it is the start of the blockage of your joy. Proverbs 14:13 Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, And the endo of joy may be grief. Pray, talk to the Father, he already knows, and sees you and your situation and .."will work it for YOUR good". Romans 8:28

The sin is when you open your mouth and say things that are not loving, kind, patient... then you have sinned, but just as quick as you said it you can STOP!!! Pray and repent and it is over!!

Job 8:19-21 "Behold, this is the joy of His way;And out of the dust other will spring. .....
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter. And your lips with shouting.

***Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and JOY in the Holy Spirit. (which Christ gave us at Salvation!)

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

How to get the joy and release the blockage:
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety (worry, insecurity...) on HIM because He cares for you!

When we do not let things flow through us our attitude becomes like staggnent water, STINKY!!! but as soon we unblock the drain, our waters can flow again and our JOY returns and we can laugh even when things are troublesome, a laugh releases tension and can help those around us. So if I can laugh, you can to, and I laugh not because I try to I laugh because God changed my mind when I asked him to, He strengthened me, and His Joy is why I laugh and smile. Keep the garbage out and let the good feelings flow like a river, and when you feel dry and sad, remember to ask Him to fill you up.

These life changing transformations are available to anyone who is tired of being the kill joy of their life and those around them. The Bible is the instruction book of fixing what ails you and there are no side effects but you will become addicted and dependent on Christ, but that is returning you to your "pre-infection" state, we were created to be dependent on Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dot- i have seen your name pop up quite a bit. Found your site, todays blog is good. I though am on the other side of the spectrum-i laugh all the time. Folks like you tend to take it personally, but thats not why myself and others laugh. We laugh because we love to laugh. We see humor in the most absurd places. We laugh because it makes humans feel good to really, really laugh-not that polite stuff-belly laughs. Try it....you'll like it.
As for your post on creative learning i know the spectrum of depression & similiar disorders from a laypersons point of view and i have a counselor.
Lauralee- arctic.spinner@yahoo.com