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Thursday, October 23, 2008

White Lies and Sins of Ommission can leave a stain too.

Oh, the things our little brains tell us. This is "basically the truth", The "whole truth will hurt people and cause more problems, this is for a good cause", "this is to help someone, so it is okay". "Not saying anything is not the same as uttering false words" Sometimes the sins of ommission and the things we do not say are what causes the most damage and pain. Lying is a choice, it is the choice of a fool. We are to be wise, use the knowledge we have been given, the TRUTH, and always speak words of knowledge and truth.

Well there is a saying, "If it quacks like a duck, call it a duck"

We can justify and explain anything to be okay. But, what happens when the lie comes to the surface and you can only give a yes or no response? No explaination, No lengthy rationalization. Just Yes or NO. No turning back. There are two sides to every coin and two sides to every story, the tongue also has two sides, and a wagging tongue will flip the truth in a heart beat.

What if the person you are covering for, turns and flips the story exposing your lie, as all yours. They will be able to explain and talk themselves right out of the situation. You will not be so lucky. You will be the fool who talked the folly and lost the glory.

The truth is light, any deduction or twisting and turning of the truth is dishonest and therefore a lie. We always think, but " I can explain, it will be better to let this go like it is, everything will work out".

Oh, no!!!! Truth sets you free, dishonesty even only partially or technically binds you and tightens like a vice and eventually, BAM!!! you may not even get the chance to address the lie, because where one lie is another is surely to collect and before you know it, Mt. St. Hellen's is erupting all over the person you thought you were helping and everyone around you.

If we are so advanced intellectually and so educated why do we lie???????? Because we are double minded and want to please people and want things to be happy and easy. Oh, I could never tell them...... What they do not know won't hurt them...... It's not my place, They won't listen so there is no use telling them. WRONG!!! and not only will it hurt them but if you really care, if you really have their best interest in mind, it will hurt you too.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.. Think before you speak, think about WHEN!! (because the truth ALWAYS!!! ALWAYS!!!! ALWAYS!!!! comes out, it may not come out to everyone but it is revealed and then what????

We need to be able to tell people when we see something wrong, if that is the truth and then allow them to receive it or reject it.

Psalms 3:3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you...

Notice they go together, we can tell someone the truth in kindness. We do not have to say hurtful things, layer insults with the truth. The truth can stand alone. Use scripture and stick to the facts, but do not use reproof for personal reasons, the ONLY reason is to redirect them back to God, He will work it out with them. DO NOT GLOAT over the situation, DO NOT REQUIRE Confession, that is between them and God. You are not GOD. You are simply the light to show them the way back to the Father. A candle does not remove the darkness, it only lightens it. SHINE AND LET THEM SEE JESUS! HE SAVED THEM, HE WILL RESTORE THEM, not you!!!!

Psalms 15:31-33
He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof
Will dwell among the wise.
He who neglects discipline despises himself,
But he who listens to reproof acquires understanding
The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom,
And before honor comes humility.

Lies, half-truths, white lies kill trust, relationships, dreams, endeavors.

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