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Monday, September 1, 2008

Update and summary of First Two weeks of classes

Well, it has been two weeks since I have started school. My classes are very interesting but, I am flying blind in three of them because we do not have a book, the instructor just freely lectures and we do not really have an idea of what he is going to talk about and it is stressing me out terribly. But, I have two online classes and another traditional class to keep me buzy and trying to keep those ahead. My most challenging class is Abnormal Psychology, it has been very difficult getting acclamated to the online setting and get all the assignments figured out, chapters read, essay written and everything in on time. Luckly it is the first week of classes and the instructor was very flexible, but this week will have to be more on schedule. My most challenging aspect of school is by far the vast ideas and viewpoints that have to be entertained and the discussion that we have in some of the classes are really "academia gone wild" just talking to talk with no purpose or definition. You know the kind of conversation: "This is what I say it is because I think it is (no explanation of why or how I got to this conclusion, just IT IS SO) and no one can tell me I am wrong, and even if someone did tell me I would not listen to them". The lack of definition and of any authority or discernable right or wrong makes diagnosing problems and even discussing treatment is hard because, Why do you need to treat something that is not wrong or harmful to anyone but the person who enjoys the activity or behavior? These kind of circular, hostile at times discussion are on my short list of things I truly dislike. But, as one of my classmates pointed out "This is the way our clients think and therefore where their behaviors will stem from, so we have to focus on that and not the arrogance and ignorance" Understanding why does help try to understand these behaviors but it is still so hard to listen to the disrespectful and majorly ignorant talk about God, because they consider that religious and hence, hypocracy. But, the more and more you talk to people the less and less you hear comments that are spoken in an understanding and true belief of God and His love, because it does not fit into our "known and accepted ways" and it does not make sense that things are this bad and getting worse. Ethics really puts a huge loop in many things and causes alot of unnecessary confusion and debate. It is amazing that people will fight that the right to do what they want is more important than the effect that they have on their family, the fact that their life is severely impacted because of their choices. It is baffling as a professional that the guidelines and laws are written that you cannot do what is best and what needs to be done because you will infridge on someones rights. Even though they came to you and asked you for help, and are free to leave anytime they do not like what is said or suggested. What happened to the clear cut moral and family values? What happened to the clear line between right and wrong? We have more technology and less productivity, less quality of life, and less satisfaction.

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