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Sunday, September 28, 2008

School Update... We are making the grades!!!

Well, we are in Week 6 now for Charles and he is doing great. The teachers have all commented on his diligence in class and his eagerness to learn. His progress reports were very good and he had not had his extra help yet, so we are expecting him to really do well on his report card. His favorite class is Science, and he is joining the Science club for an extra curricular activity. He is a different child, and it is great to see him reading,learning independently, and happy.

It has been 7 weeks for me, and my transition has been good from At-home and Homeschooling to Full-time student and constantly running from book to paper to computer. I have finally found a rythmn and have a routine for getting my studying (which takes awhile) classwork, papers and computer work done, the house chores, picking Charles up, help him with his homework, and finding time to exercise. My classes are going better. I have learned the fine art of debating (no meltdowns :)! ) and being able to express my opinions without worrying about them not being popular or accepted. The paper writing was my biggest concern and it is working out fine. Grades are good. It is funny I have learned alot in the classes but in two of my classes the lesson was more personal and was quite enlightening. The perspective post has alot to do with the revelation and the way I have found to remind myself to check my perspective when things are looking strained and dark. It has been great to have an outlet for my research and reading to be utilized. Alot of the experiences I have had when I worked in the medical field are finally being used too.

I will be so thrilled in 3 more semesters to have completed something that means alot to me. It is not a stopping point, I will still have to acquire my Masters someday to be able to counsel in many areas but there are lots of possibilities to work within the field that I am most drawn. The biggest thing is I will finally have my college degree and be able to apply for many more positions that I have been turned down for before, because I did not have it. I have started looking for selective opportunities for work in the field and things are looking promising.

We will keep you posted on the major happenings.. I do not know if I will be able to do a weekly report, but feel free to email me or comment here and I will answer your questions, when I receive them.

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