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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Father and Son teachable moments and Fun with power tools

Father and Son Lumberjacks.... My two favorite men in the world ;0

What is more heart warming than a father with their child??? A teachable moment, teamwork, responsibility, and safety and sensibly working with power tools :).
Chris dropped the tree alone, just because of the danger and unpredictable factor. But once it was dropped he got Charles to help cut up the wood. He taught him to prop the tree up so that the blade was not damaged when the tree started to break in two. Balancing on the trunk while he cut would make his cut better and more squared, which makes it easier to stack in the wood pile. Then he let Charles cut with the chainsaw. The wood will be well used in the manroom and fire pit. Isn't nature wonderful. It has provided a workout and an afternoon of enjoyment and entertainment for the whole family, and saved us lots of money!!! :)
I guess he will be asking for power tools and a chainsaw for Christmas now that he has learned how to use them.. Hope Santa has invested his christmas club money in a high interest money market account in a good bank. (ha ha).

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

Looks like a really great bonding moment for sure!

And wonderdful exercise.