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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shooting hoops alone is a lesson in life

Another of my "gifts" in the stormy times
Scripture tells us He will change us and work out the impurities and guide and keep us. He is standing at the door we just have to invite him into our lives and ask Him to search us and reveal the things we can do. When our perspectives, motives, desires, needs, wants are all given to Him, he can purify them and mold them into great and benefical things that He will guide us to use for our good. A few of the scriptures I repeat over and over are the other gifts I have received. (Psalms 139:14, Romans 8:28, and Jeremiah 29:11 are the ones that He showed me in powerful ways). And the cool thing is He will do the same thing for anyone who asks.

We are all in different seasons, on different paths, in different needs, but all of us have some needs in common: Compassion, Love and reassurance in times of trials. One way to fullfill this need is to truly talk with our Creator, Lord and Heavenly Father and Believing that He is listening, caring and is moving in our lives and in the lives of those we lift up in prayer. Sometimes we miss the working because we are looking for huge miracles or our desired answer to the prayer. Instead of just looking for a blue sky or getting up in the morning without pain or some other small, yet significant answer to our prayer.

Well knowing and understanding are two different things. I knew alot of things, scriptures, ect.. and I was talking alot, but not necessarily to God. He used several people, situations, scriptures, a bible study and an illness to set me straight. I swear I actually heard him speak this one time and say to me "You want to see me work, You want to know I am here, then open your eyes and see, trust and you can believe, lift your eyes and you can see me instead of your shadow".

I went through some trouble with my leg and could not exercise hard and get a good workout and my weight was creeping (ha ha, it jumped over night) and my attitude and personality was showing the stress. I would go to my favorite place, (see Psalms 23 post) and just walk and cry jamming to my ipod and I noticed the basketball goal, (HMMM wonder why??) and then it hit me. I can stand and throw the ball I do not have to jump and I can play basketball for 30 minutes and get the same effect as when I could walk fast on the hills or go to the Y and do the treadmill. As I started to play basketball, a weird sense of peace and power came over me and I had my rush, like I have on the treadmill, I was able to just focus on the goal, shoot,watch where the ball was going and rebound. It was great.

Then, I started thinking how life is alot like a game of solo basketball. Life can be fastpaced sometimes but, you can slow it down. There are times to throw and times to dribble regroup and setup for a better approach. Sometimes the best approach bounces off, but it is fine, just follow the circumstance until it settles, regain control then go back to the goal. There is no scoreboard and no one keeping tracked of how many times you miss.

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