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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If Only I Could ..... But, you can (Heavenly Father)

There are those days that you feel so unimportant, devalued or only valued for your low ranking actions. If you are discounted in the world, fear not for it is only temporary. The world tells you that your flaws are deducted from your value and are useless, but Christ says differently and He is more powerful than your worst fear, behavior, or mistake. There is nothing you have not been forgive from, if you do not "feel" forgiven you need to call on the Father. He promises your hearts desires, ( remember Christ is part of you and He has the Fathers will as a desire of his heart). You are reedemed by the Blood of Christ not by earthly treasurers.
If Only I Could ..... But, you can (Heavenly Father)
By Dorothy A. Wiggins
If only I was seen for my heart
If only actions where attributed to my heart instead of the gains
If only I would trust you, Father, with my days
If only I could control my mind and emotions
If only... I could change all of me I do not like, but I can't but I know and trust you can.
You made man from the dust of the earth, surely you can transform me
You can make me gentle and sweet, joyful and calm
You can transform my mind and heal my body
You can make me rest and trust, love and be patient
I choose to believe you ARE changing me and making me consistent
Written to respond to: 1 Peter 1:17-19
And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves throughout the times of your stay here knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold from your aimless conduct "received" by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Who are you submitting to for judgment? You belong to the King of Kings, he redeemed you, He cleared the slate and you cannot be devalued, because you were purchased with His priceless blood, nothing compares to Him, he was the only Perfect and blameless flesh to walk this earth, but when he said It is Done, it was Finished and you were sealed with the Heavenly Father forever. Your value is not a token or to be comparable to anything, it is determined by Christ's blood; Priceless. You were reedemed because God loved you and sent his willing and obedient son to reedem you back to him. You are a new creation, formed and purified by the holy spirit which came to you at the time of salvation. Your desires to be like Christ are granted. Your flaws, like all of your being and the events of your life will be worked for good. (Romans 8:28).

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