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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It only happens to Me.

I constantly run into strange situations and people that say the darnest things. People make comments to me that are rude and uncaring and it makes me so angry. Why me??? Am I called to be a dumping ground?? If I respond back then I look like the irrational jerk. When I talk about it with friends they say I worry too much about what other people think and need to not let things bother me so much. Okay, but when these things keep happening you have to look and see, "Am I doing something to cause these situations" "Why would they say something like that?" If people are honest though, it does bother you when things happen over and over. And when people continual say and do things even after you talk to them about it, it makes you wonder "What are you thinking when you say or do that" Do you think it is no big deal to hurt people or do you just not think enough to change?

(Yes you pray about it and ask for God to redirect your thoughts and attitude, but you still feel it, you still remember it the next time you see the person and need to be open and caring) and when things are shared you have people they do not even know you or the situation responding and commenting on things so far off the truth that it is just hurtful that it has gone this far out of the circle of friends that the discussion started in. And the response "everyone shares things about others" that they should not, is not true nor is it an excuse to do it; figuring others do it to you. My response to that thinking is a IT IS WRONG and a wrong is sin! no matter how popular it is and if you do something wrong back to someone who did it to you that is one issue but when you just randomly share information or start conversations about other people because "everyone does it" well that is a more serious situation. Now conversations that are discussing others in a concerned and loving manner are not at issue it is the subsequent conversations that insue that are the root of the problem. A good rule of thumb is if you have a discussion about someone, you should have a discussion with that person concerning the matter.

What is really fun, is when you recount the situation and remove the names and the person that said them, says " I do not know what people think when they treat other people like that" I would never say something like that" . things that make you go UMMM.

I do not understand politics to save my life, it was a very painful experience in High school and I do not believe in teaching Charles half truths and things I can not explain so I set out to get help with politics and teaching him the basics. What is a democrat mean and stand for? What does a republican mean and stand for? ect. I wrote to some people who seem to have a strong belief in their political stands, they talk about politics or political stuff alot and seem to know alot. I got a few responses back and a few discusssions that people found my asking strange, they were not clear on why I asked them and through discussing it they just repeat things they have heard and the way it seems to be but they really do not know. They had not really thought about it and had never really questioned what they had learned. I was kind of surprised. I have done research and I took a Southern Culture class which touched on the political birth and stuff and was just confused and did not have a safe place to go for unbais information, most people will jump down your throat about their parties rhetoric but yet when you look at voting records and actual speaches and things it is different and then they get hostile and start degressing to name calling and I just won't go that route anymore. Needless to say after asking about 20 people, most do not know why they believe what they believe and do not know where to find good basic information.

Have you every gone to a professional (and I use that word very loosely) who had a title that would indictate to most that they handled the topic at hand only to receive attitude and "I don't waste my time giving too much information because most people do not want it or listen to what I say anyway". Well, if you are not going to do the job that your title says you do, I suggest changing the job or your name plate and then people like me that expect as much out of people as I give won't keep bugging you with requests for information.

I went to an Advisor and asked questions and it was like, "well most people just pick what they want and take the classes that they want". But, that is fine when you are in your teens and early tweenties and think you know it all, but don't really care if it doesn't work out. When you think you have all the time in the world and if you do not get your education it is no big deal you are smart enough without and you can make big bucks without it. I am thirty something and know I do not know it all, usually feel and act like I do not know anything and have asked you nicely to help me make a wise decision based on solid factual information not just my hopes and dreams and inflated self value. As I left the office and double checked the title plate on the outside and it said, Advisor. I went home and looking up the definition to make sure I was not expecting something unrealistic and nope. It is just that luck of mine. :)

I called a councelor, and was discussing an issue with them. And it came time for the "professional" opionion. And the famous phrase I hate, "what do you want to do" I was like WHAT???? why would you even ask that. "What do I want!!! that has no place in a rational conversation especially with someone who is supposed to sort out all the junk, highlight the facts and point to the reality so that a sensible choice can be made. When I said this they said "Most people do not want that, they want a quick fix, they want to be encouraged and need their confidence built up". I reminded them I asked at the beginning of our talk if they were a "Christian" so that I did not have to go through this tunnel again and they responded back that that does not change even with most Christians. I just chuckled to myself and thought only me, was I expecting too much again??? So I called a friend and asked them what they thought and got an ear full but then we just laughed... and she said if you are going to waste your time and money trying to get Wise councel, maybe you should just follow what you get from your praying and your Bible. OUCH>>> well at least it was good honest advise and what do you know I am not as uswise and messed up as I think I am.

I try hard, believe and love people the best way I know, and pray that God protects them from my "best efforts or things done in my own power" and for Him to guide me to actions that are the best for everyone. I work as hard as my body allows me, even though some do not think so, God sees and God knows the truth and if people miss it then they miss it. Albert Eistein was not loved and admired by all and he was criticized constantly. Many of the artist and composers lived with lots of uncertainty,loneliness, and critizism and sadly many never saw their work appreciated. But, If I am true to what I say is imporant and what I am desiring to do with my life... God is my all in all, then poverty (which I do not think we will ever understand fully in the US), lack of employment, lacking of any kind is not important and should be counted as a gain. God will provide all that I NEED, so I need to lean on him and not others. If I fall, I fall because I fell and not because I lack in anything; intellegence, dexterity, coordination and God can make a nasty fall work for good. When I stand and am able to walk away, I should be chuckling and praising God that I am walking.

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