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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Are chores important?

Have you ever questioned whether it is REALLY important that your kids and family do daily chores? What is the harm if they are not in the habit of picking everything up, on a continual basis? Besides if things get messy you will be able to direct them and keep everything neat and orderly, right?? Are you sure??? You are human and moms and wives do get sick too. Is your family disciplined enough to carry on the housework and the daily functions like you do it? Will they revolt and "take it easy, while they are handling things?". Think because you have someone in the house who can't stand messiness and clutter that everything will stay ship shape if you are out of commission; Please keep reading!!!

Think about it..... What would your house look like if you got sick and were not calling the orders out and following up behind them to make sure they did ALL the dishes and that ALL the clothes were put away? Would they follow the rules and unpack their bags and put stuff away (including the bag)? If not, they would at least say NO right? They would not answer yeah or yes and not have done what you ask, would they????


It is July and here in North Carolina it has been 90 degrees for the last month or so. So I ask you, Why are insulated athletic pants out? Why are clean clothes on the floor? And why are these pants out when this child wears the same clothes, jean shorts for a week????

XXXXX (name changed to protect the guilty) "Did you pick up your room?" Response... Yeah.. "Did you pick up all the clothes that fell off your dresser (note it is across the room from where the pants are laying)" Response... Yeah....

This has gone on for at least 2 days I am sure about... Many people have walked past this room and yet the pants are still on the floor this minute. (Urrgh!)

We picked up XXXXX (name withheld to protect the guilty) from youth camp on July 4 and this is his suitcase. This is where it was dropped that night and a few items have selectively been removed, but it has not been completely unpacked and put away as instructed several times.

Today is July 31, and this picture was taken this morning after, asking for the 2nd time if his room was picked up and everything put where it belongs???
The most upsetting is the kitchen, which is XXXX's only offical Chore, he has been shown several times and is given a verbal checklist after he reports he has done the required task. Did you wash the pots and pans next to the coffee pot? Did you wash the rice cooker pot (grey pot, second from the top)? Did you wash the strainer? Did you wash the sauce pan we cooked squash in? yep! Yep! Yep!! In order for the kitchen to be considered completely done, ALL dishes are to be washed that do not fit in the dishwasher, pots and pans and certain other dishes must be hand washed, all sinks are clear and clean, counters are wiped down (Clean) fronts of cabinets are to be clean and dish rag is hung up on the faucet.
These pots have sat here for days, again I am a bit droggy but I can say at least since Saturday.

The pots that have repeatedly been said to have been washed are sitting in the same spot as they were placed the night they were dirtied. Sink is full of dishes and dish rag is underneath all the dishes.
These have been sitting here for at least 2 days. Is the kitchen clean? yeah.
I complained the other day that nothing is being done since I am not up and doing things myself and was told that they are doing the dishes, so to prove my point that ALL the dishes are not being done and that the kitchen has to be cleaned completely I decided to take pictures to show my family. Am I being too hard? Am I expecting too much??
They like a clean orderly house, yet they do not want to do the work that is necessary for the house to be clean and orderly without being told over and over. Where is initiative, seeing what needs to be done and doing it? Where is the charitable and team effort of helping someone out with their work?

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