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Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Camping Experience

We were talking one night about camping and Charles announced that he had never been camping. Shock and confusion overcame Chris and I. Could this be true, our son is 12 years old and we have never taken him camping???? We went camping alot when we were first married and loved it. We talked about it and realized we planned and thought about going camping but never actually did. {Ah, the thoughts of sleeping under the stars with our boucing baby boy who woke up with the sun and was propelled from the moment his eyes popped open in the wee hours of the morning and who thought it was a game when you chased him and who played hiding go seek and was very good at, for hours. We must have just never mustard up the courage.}

Well being the natural loving people we are, we decided our upcoming vacation will be a camping trip and we went and bought a tent. We have had many delays in putting the tent up and Charles asked Friday night if he and Chris could put the tent up and if he could spend the night in it. That sounded like a plan so, Chris and Charles put the tent up and our neighbor's son, Josh came over and spent the night in the tent with Charles.

The boys took care of all the arrangements, I stayed in bed. Saturday morning I came out to see that the "boys" (Chris, Josh and Charles) being the men they are, had added modern conveniences to the tent experience.

Boys will be Boys!!!

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