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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Mother to be Honored and Praised, you are Blessed!

Mother's Day 2008
Children Honor your Mother's is in several places in the bible. One of the aspirations of a wife and mother is to have her children become honorable and praising believers and hearing them call her "Blessed", and for her visible work in these children she should receive praise at the gates. (Prov. 31)
Our efforts today and our sincerest wishes are that you feel blessed and proud of the outcome of all your years of work to train us and make us what we are today. I hope that someday, Charles will see the traditions and the scripture lived out and will some day express his appreciation and gratitude for the efforts that went into training him to be the gentleman, and loving husband and father. And when he does will be give God the praise first, for giving us both Loving Mother's who trained and loved us and gave us the example to be the parents we are today, which will make him the parent he will be and we will have passed on a lasting legacy of love and faith in God, which is the best inheritance anyone can give their children, it is more precious than any money or real estate. For all you did and do for us, Mom, we praise and thank you.

With Love, Admiration, Appreciation, and Honor
Dorothy Ann, and Christopher May 11-2008

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