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Friday, May 9, 2008

Trusting is hard to do... but I do.. Trust God to work in this situation

Oh the last 2 days have been the most emotional, tear filled days of my life. It is kind of funny that this upsets me so bad, I never setout to Homeschool, fought the idea, tried everything I could, I even asked a well respected, good friend what she thought about me homeschooling and used her opinion (which was actually in agreement with me that I shouldn't) until I finally accepted that this is really what God was showing me we needed to do, struggled with it everyday and now after going through a process God clearly lead us to and through it is all over!!! And, for what.... it does not and should not be this way. To get my son the help he needs, that he should have received 5 years ago, when I asked, and questioned but no one would listen to me, everyone knew better and disagreed with me and here we are...
For all the details, go to www.homeschoolblogger.com/dotwigg I just can't write it all again, I am so confused and angry and just ...

But, I am not to know why.. just that God is moving and not in the direction I thought and I feel we should go in (Go figure, one more person that doesn't listen or agree with me) I went through my verse cards and keep running into Romans 8:28, I am clinging to that right now, that He promises He will work everything to the good. I do not see it, but Faith requires believing in the things we cannot see. So here we go.... in two months we will be Public School AND!!!! MIDDLE SCHOOL big changes, I cannot see how this is going to work, but I am trusting, (begrudingly but I am trusting that God is going before us and going to fight this battle...

Pray. Thursday is the big day, May 15 I will be enrolling Charles in Public Middleschool and Closing Titus Academy, hopefully for just a little while to get him the assistance he needs. I need wisdom, patience in huge, huge doses, gentleness, kindness and JOY will definitely be in need also.

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