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Sunday, March 16, 2008


**Play "In A Little While" (Use the > key and scroll down to the title on the playlist player to the right)

With Spring coming I start to really think about the seasons, the bible makes several references to things in their season, or seasons for certain activities. Planning and preparing are always good ways to ensure that the important things and activities get a place in the schedule, that you do not miss an opportunity due to lack or misplanning. Especially with Easter I think about Christ's work, his betrayal (struggles) his sacrifice and his reward (resurrection). What a powerful reminder that because I am saved, I follow his path,and my struggles will give way to a reward if I am faithful and fullfill the work God has laid out for me to do, I can pray and cryout just like Christ did in the Garden and when the Father speaks; I dry my face and get on with it.

What hope, everytime I see a blue sky it is like a post-n-note from God, "saying stick with it kid I have a great plan for you". A gray sky is like a "pop quiz" you have to remember God is with you even on the gray days. So I have blue around me all the time, lest I forget. And unlike "friends" who can be seasonal, Sisters in Christ are there to gentle remind you if you start to "wilt in spirit", Love is always in season.

Plants are something I think about when I talk about seasons. They are like mini examples of life, not everything comes all at one time, patience, perseverance, compassion they all have situations(seasons). Certain plants grow in the spring, some in the summer,others in fall and still others in the winter. There is preparation, you must plant them at a certain time to allow them to germinate and grow in their proper season. Sometimes you can plant late and everything works out, you are the only one still harvesting tomatoes in October, (when weather permits :)) however, somethings will not go past their designed season, and you lose the enjoyment earlier than if you had planned at the right time. If we look at scripture a lot of examples of Nature, (plants are used to make object lessons)Warnings about idolness and neglecting duties will result in thistles,(unplanned plants that if we are not discerning and careful look like flowers and kill our "planned" garden). God gave us Nature and then the Bible and then Knowledge and then Wisdom. If we work it backwards, we take our wisdom to trace everything back to its source. We use our knowledge to sort out, research, rationalize,memorize and learn the significance of the item. We use the Bible and our Knowledge and Wisdom to Discern Gods plan, purpose and message to us and we use Nature to "see" Gods message and have a reminders of His preparation and plan for us and the current season and the seasons to come.

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