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Thursday, March 20, 2008

How am I doing? What is my "performance appraisal on this situation"?

***Click on the playlist and listen to Mercy came running while you read this******
When reflecting or looking back at a feeling, emotional outburst, event, conversation whatever; you look at what caused, inspired, encouraged "it" to see if you can pick up on the chain of events, the cause and effect and sort out how to correct or prevent the negative and how to recreate or increase the positive. (Well at least I do)

The world usually calls this evaluating or performance appraisals or my favorite, Goal achievement counseling. Everything is based on what you did, said, how you responded, the result is heavily weighted too. You could dress great, have a beautiful set-up, planned to the inth degree, sent out great invitations, followed up, and because only a few people came you are "determined" a failure. How crazy is that... If when "evaluated" there were no lacking efforts why am I the failure, why not the invitations, the location, the...., the receipients selected where not suited for the event?? Nope the world says, YOU!! are the failure. Okay, no biggy. "If at first you do not succeed try, try, try, again", "I will succeed next time", "Everyone loses once and awhile", and all those other positive attitude cliche's we use. Shake it off and move on. And then again the evaluation.....and the determination is....BUMP Bump BUMP BUMP dtt. You Failed. Okay not a big deal, dig deep, re-evaluate... consult with others to see what you are missing. PRAY!!!! and get ready for next time. And well, the cycle continues, and again.....FAILURE!!!! (Well at least I have found something I am consistent and can repeat the same quality, I not getting worse it is just the same as the last million tries). And then people wonder why you do not smile, laugh and you are generaly a jack rabbit of emotional displays (you are desperate for what you feel works, tears make people scatter or at least say something nice or change the subject). When these situations develop, I call them the darkroom, sometimes when things look there worse, the true image has not "developed" we need to let the ink dry. I like to get a pad and pen and write down the process, with the emotions, thoughts, ect. (you can always tear it up later, of course me being a packrat and a documentation enthusiast, I save many of these).

But, it helps to have things written out, read over it, make sure that you have an accurate record of things, no estimates or if so be fair, then get someone else that was there or has knowledge (first hand) of the situation to review what you have. Perspective is a key element of any productive evaluation. Then look at the basics, what are the efforts being measured, where they properly explained and are the goals reasonable. Was there adequate planning and preparation and was there proper support, equipping and supplies available. What is the effect of the Failure? What does that mean to you as a person? Is there anything you can do to "correct" or make up for the failure? Okay that covers the "productive worldly way of doing things", it is all your responsibility, it is all hanging on your abilities and qualities and if it does not work out it must be you.

Well, as christians we always need to remember you are not your own person you are not alone, you have a highly effective and very dependable assistant and the Boss you work for is a roll up your sleeves and help out kind of guy, very capable and can make "miracles happen" {(:) Literally!!!!}. So now the biggest question to look at, did you involve them in this "endeavor" No! Well, evaluation over... Nothing else matters.... Go ask the boss what he thinks about the whole situation. (I mean that literally!!!) (Right now, stop ask HIM, what you did wrong (besides not asking him and your assistant to help you when you started the planning and throughout each step).... wait for an answer He may got over all your lists and want you to just be still for a bit, and He will call a meeting and review with you, until then place this file in your PENDING pile and do not touch it until he speaks to you about it.

Okay, you've waited and you have not heard anything... Well, what does that tell you. The Boss says it is not a big deal, and you "work" for him. He is not screaming at you, He is not blaming you and questioning your mental and intellectual abilities. (That's Mercy and Grace) Your assistant does not feel that you did a bad job either considering you were handling everything yourself and He says you are capable and valuable to him and the Boss. So that is 2 to 1. And best of all. The Boss is GOD the creator, if he says you are Great, he should know. And he also says "if he is with you who could be against you (that matters)" "Don't worry, He will provide a way and will take care of you and all your needs" When you are looking back and making notes for the future endeavors plan on having an organization meeting with the Boss and your assistant first. Remember you can have daily meetings to just kick around ideas and receive the much needed "Goal achievement counseling". Shake off the failure, you are forgiven in all things. Christ and God do not condemn us, they encourage, Love and support us so who are you going to listen to, someone who can give "constructive criticism" with Love, actually change your bad habits, fulfill the lackings you have in abilities or skills and who actual makes the finally evaluation. This is all temporary. He has your "performance appraisal" and he says your are proficient and improving, you are in a performance improving program and working diligently and with good faith in achieve the goals HE has set for you. You work well with your assistant and the assistant feels you are dependable, a pleasure to work with and very focused on the future ahead. Now that is a great Goal to achieve, that can be your result and determination you receive when you "reflect" on a situation.

****Listen to Mercy came running again**********
Bring any personal examples to mind? Can you see His face???? Can you see Mercy coming toward you, reach out and grab it!! Receive it..

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