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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

There are answers in the blood!!!! Praise on the medical front!

Thank God for an awesome and no nonsense Neurologist that investigated, tested and worked to help me return to a "normal", energized and clear mind state of being. She never really like some of my diagnosis, which irritated me because it seemed she was questioning my honesty about how I was feeling and it took long enough to finally get that answer I was not wanting to start over. But, while she was testing things I did some research and kept digging in my medical records to help document things. Then we started making some progress, unfortunately some medication was necessary, but we are also working with a counselor to modify behaviors and hopefully we can replace the medications with more natural remedies but one medication will stay.

Today was the glorious breakthrough that makes all the struggles, hurt feelings and frustration all worth the work. After many years of misdiagnosis and struggling with no answers for the "weakness" (fatigue), sore muscles, instability and falling and decreased attention, concentration and memory. DNA labwork really scared me, but I "trusted her decision" and the results showed that I have 1 of the genes for NARCOLEPSY!. WOW.... that explains everything and best of all that is what the doctor had determined was going on and we started the medication and it has changed my life! I feel better than I have EVER felt.. I have gotten more done in the last month than I have done in years.. coupled with finally treating the anxiety, I am a new women.

I have made light years progress in addressing my "issues" with the counselor and turns out things are not as they seem!. This has been the most fasinating and encouraging component of the solution. With my career path heading to being a Counselor myself, working with a counselor to assess my thinking processes and perceptions is a required thing but as I worked on my health and studied this semester I noticed a few things that needed to be worked on with someone and it has been so worth the effort. I have found myself and can finally stand on my principles and accept the rejection or conflict that expressing myself may cause. It is not selfish to say, No! or I do not WANT TO DO ThAT.. (neither of these statements were part of my vocabulary) but are now, we are not all called to the same things and Wants are important, they are the passion that help us reach goals. And, it is so funny as I do my bible study and memory verses so many verses COMMAND us to not fear, to stay in the light and to speak the TRUTH and they hold so much more encouragement and promise now.

I encourage anyone that feels that something is "not right with your physical, mental or emotional health" to go ahead to talk with someone. Go see the doctor when things are not right, ask them to run some bloodwork it can show when your cells are not working quite right. Vitamins are so important to proper functioning, if you are lacking in vitamins it will show up in your blood work. Also if you do not sleep, or if your sleep is not adequate and you do not feel rested no matter how much you sleep, GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! this is a huge sign. Sleep is so necessary and when you work to regain proper functioning everything is better; feeling, physical,mental and emotional functioning, moods improve. I also encourage you to pray first before you admonish someone who is "struggling in productivity, judgement and attitude". Don't be so quick to diagnosis what their problem is and be empathetic and cautious about suggesting spirtual causes of their struggles. A large part of the emotional discomfort came from how others perceived me and my behaviors and efforts. Many times "attitude problems, anger, depressive expressions, laziness, disorganization and forgetfulness are symptoms of functional issues and not character flaws. Encouragement and empathy are helpful, sympathy and overpowering are discouraging and actually prevent addressing the problem and delay getting help.

Researching and improving your health can actually save you money and improve your life. Pray for wisdom and discernment and you will be lead to the right doors, the correct interventions and you will be all that you were designed to be.. Speaking the Truth is sometimes very humbling but we are called into the light where things can be examined and corrected. The Truth will set you free! It changed my life and has made my families life so much more enjoyable and productive.

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