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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Grades are in….

Well the grades are in!!! All but one class's grade is in and I am very happy to report I made "Honor Roll".

****UPDATE!!!!! The final grade is in..... 91%!!! A (Whoa hoo!!! I feel every point of this one!!!) That makes straight A's across the board!!!! Well, the sememster was definitely a time of learning, much to my disliking, much of it was about myself and the "Truth" about my abilities and my poor view of myself. Unanimous conclusion of my classmates and instructors was that I stress and worry too much, and do not give myself enough credit (oh hush... yes many of my family members and friends said the same thing, but... Well, they just did not understand because they had "IT" going on and well I don't. So, I have my little project for Winter break. (haha, yes I am always working on something).
Minds are a terrible thing to waste, I choose to work mine into a cloud of smoke. Effort counts for something. What goes in effects what comes out. Our minds are facinating organs that also process other chemicals and data from other parts of the body and the outcome is speech, written communication and Behavior. You can really get to know someone by watching their behaviors and reading things they have written, looking at the books they have read, {especially if the read academically and highlight or note in the margins :) } Behavior and thought processing has always intriged me, and will be the bulk of what I deal with in counseling. Oh, finally confirmation that I am finally "walking a path that is going somewhere" (hopefully past a rainbow, (ha ha).

Abnormal Psychology- made the A without the final!!! With 12 points to spare.. J

Human Services Issues (Ethics)---- A

Working with Diversity -----A

Group Process ----------A

Intro to Human Services grade is not posted yet, but it is either an A (XX) or B. I did get a B+ on the final paper, much improved from the horrible midterm that received a graceful C.

All in all things went very well J. Testing and writing assignments are my struggles, but seems like we have found a winning formula!!! Thank you Stylewriter.com!!!! If only I found you sooner.

I wonder if Master will get me the I phone ????? as my reward J

Now I can focus on "lighter" and more fun things for the next 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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