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Friday, November 21, 2008

Everyday choices, Happiness or Joyfulness


This is a really good song and video by Sheryl Crow, "Everday is a winding road".

This philosophy is a good treatment for depression, the blah's and even the bad attitude. The journey is not about where you are going, (for some of us, we know where we will end up. Even if we get a little detoured and delayed, the final destination is guarenteed!!). The journey is about the steps you take on the "road" to get there. It is about the people, the trees, the picutes, the experiences, the food!!. If you are only focused on the destination and not about the Change that will take place in your thoughts, behavior and physical being then why even go?

It is not about you! (keep reading!!) I know when you are down that is not what you want to hear, but I promised I was not going to lie to you. Sometime the most caring things a person can do, is to tell you the truth. So again I say it is not about you, your thoughts of what is going to make you happy. Your perceptions are skewed by your emotions, fears, and anger. There is a Divine plan to make you (not someone else, or the circumstances) the best and to make you joyful. There is hope for circumstances too, but your change and renewal is the top priority. There is a huge difference between happiness and joyfulness, and it starts with Changing your thoughts (transform and renew your mind, a "suggestion" from God, can't hurt and if it does he will heal it :) }. It is much like changing a baby's diaper, you have to do it over, and over again and sometimes the stinch is unbelievable, but you MUST do it!!!

Look around at all that you have, usually start by seeing the things you are complaining about. The socks, shoes, clothes left all over--Be thankful you even have these things to be left all over, then be thankful for the people that are secure enough to leave these things all over,(it is not like you have told them you do not like it and yet they keep doing it) Be thankful for the ability and health that you have to you are able to pick them up!. Get the point :).

Thankfulness, Love, Appreciation are a choice... and oh, well sometimes those we choose to bestow these awesome gifts do not return the favor, or at least not the way we "WANT" them to. Joy is a choice, it feels much like happiness, only better, it is not dependent on anything here on earth, it is illogical and it simple has to be decided that you are Joyful and the best part is Peace comes like a package deal. Beatiful, YOU DECIDE TO BE JOYFUL, Despite the people you are around, the circumstances, whatever... AND YOU GET A BONUS, Peace!!! Now adays that is simple priceless.

Feeling more powerful :), You do have control over things and best of all, God is bigger and more powerful than the biggest, baddest mood swing you have ever thought of having. He is able to do more than we can even imagine or ask him to do!!! (look that up, I think it is Eph. 3:20??)

Prayer helps too. Pray is all over this situation!! It works!! But, be expecting a change and be willing to accept it, (another day of the same, but suddenly it does not hurt or anger you as much, it will not always be a grandios change and in my experience it usually involves changing YOU! Your thoughts, Your reactions)

If this helps great, if not comment (all comments are moderated, only I see them and I will not post it) again and I will try to be more specific, leave your email and I will give more details. or see my profile and email me directly. My friends would tell you that if I figured this out and made it work, it will work. :) It really is this easy and it is not psycho babble. Never be ashamed to be honest and ask for help. The Truth will set you free.

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