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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Helping People can be Costly but, the benefits are Eternal!

I wrote a post for the Bright Minds, Helping Hands, and Holy Hearts today that is really from the heart, but I needed it over there so... I am going to paste the link here. and put a little personal note on this that I did not include in the post since it is a "professional" kind of thing and is for the group not me personally. http://brightmindshelpinghandsholyhearts.blogspot.com/

The last few years have been "very interesting" to say the least. I am diligently working on being positive and less complainy so I will leave it at that. I am the kind of person, that looks for something to take away or learn from every experience. I was trained young to look for things and improve or fix them and that has been a good skill to have in some areas and very "challenging" and isolating in others. Helping people comes natually, when you are the oldest of four children and your parents are always helping someone else. Children love to imitate and repeat things and do what their parents do. If my parents heard that some needed, we were looking around the house to see if we had what they needed, and my dad was making calls trying to find someone who could help. We were equally blessed by others, we just thought that is what people do, you have extra turnip greens, I have an extra pork roast we swap.

As an adult this way of life kind of evaporated. People that needed stuff were always "evaluated"first to see why they did not have what they needed and if it was decided that they did something to make them lack, then well "they are reaping what they sowed". I always hated hearing that, I often questioned if that is really what the scripture meant and just received snorts and eyes rolling. I learned quickly that helping too much, got you "known" but not in a good way. At work I was nicknames "Polyanna" it took me a while to figure out this was not a very complimentary comment and that my efforts were not well received by those around me.

But, then life turned the corner, as it tends to do and I found myself on the needing end and well, I do not know if it was the area, or just times but help was not that easy to find, and well I learned so things about people that I really admired that I wish I had not. I learn pretty quick and I was not easily detered, (back then) I found what I needed got back on tract and decided I would rather be a "Polyanna" and known for being "usable" than to be unuseful and to watch people suffer and do nothing to help. I just did not understand how that could be right. That is how I read the scriptures and I was going to do, what I wish someone was available to do for me.
Loved me like Jesus and told me the Truth with Scripture that would have lead me to the Saviors feet. That is what I needed.

Praying is the first step to helping people. Pray for them and pray for yourself "Lord, soften me, wise me up to your leading, use me if you chose or move me so that you can get to this brother or sister and heal and strengthen them" If it is your will Lord, I am here, send and use me." Be in the word, Be walking the straight path, above reproach, get your Armor shined and ready. Helping people is not for the faint of heart and it is not a popularity contest or to build your reputation. If you do it right, they should credit it all to God, and not really remember you at all. All to Him, I owe! We are just extending the Love that Christ has given to us every day with our breath.

Anything you do without Love, is as if you did nothing.

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