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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obedience is scary, and causes fear of getting all wet!

Oh, it has been a long journey, God has been working out a few kinks in me for ...(decades, years, months). And we got to the crossroad, and it was like , Lord I am not saying I won't but are you really sure this is the plan??? for me,???? I kind of feel think Moses, negoatiating with God. How about I do this, and help here and send annoynomous notes of suggestion. And just kept getting the NO, I said..., and then just to prove his point an opportunity and a request would come and it was like God whispering, (Here is the path). I prayed and hoped it would stay in my comfort zone. (HA HA!!!) Not likely... I found a quote that said Comfort means you are not moving, and the best trips cause alot of discomfort. I was like oh, that cannot be a good sign.

Well, I started school in August and thought, (again, too funny haha) that I would be able to blend in, learn, stay quite (you can always hope) and just watch things and do what was asked and no more, no less. Well, I did not even make through my first day, before I had to make a stand and speak up. It has been a very shaping experience. Some of my classmates and I were talking about the lack of resources and groups that handle a range of issues and provide a comprehensive service program. The need for information and access to resources that already exsist, the need for cooperation, partnerships, and for involving volunteers to help with projects. We all agreed this kind of group was not easily accessible and if it exsisted it could really do some awesome work and we could help market it better and get involved, because this is our passion.

Well I started doing my research, and web searches, interviewing people, and have found nothing a few groups but there conditions and all the things we think are important are not present nor was the opportunity offered to join them. So I prayed and approached some people I though might start the group if they had committed support and that was not successful. And one person cracked me up, they said " Why do you want someone else to start it, you are the one with the passion and vision, the willingness and skills to make it work, why don't you start it and let everyone join your group". Oh I see a pattern here and I am shaking in my boots. I was reading my favorite blogs and back in May one post stuck with me, it was concerning the Passage in Matt 14:25-32 where Peter was stepping out of the boat, again. And oh, that is one of my favorite stories. Until I saw this flash..... Me starting a group... The "what if fairy was right in my face, and oh.. but I have been doing this for a long time, just not organized and public. I am seeing more and more needs and more and more available talents and gifts on the shelf not sure were to go and how to help.

I now know how the women with the blood issue might have felt when God called her out, with a loud "who touched me", I can imagine she had a few comments like "you are omnipotent, you know who touched you, now hush and I will apologize later, do not make a scene". But, She did not go on her feelings and her fears she stepped out and spoke up and acknowledged Him healing her. And her obedience showed her faith, and belief more than anything she can ever say. So I am hoping this will be my stepping up and doing what My Savior has called me to do, and that others will come and join, and answer their calls to come forward and acknowledge their healing from touching the Lord.

In my studies we see how impacting a recovered....(depressed person, Lazy or underperforming person, financial mismanager, homesless person, clutter keeper/packrat, substance abuser, anything) is on the person who is trying to recover. The whole AA treatment model is based on the formers helping the currents change. Sometimes is the person trying to recover does not feel like the person counseling them has experienced what they are going through they will not continue treatment or it will be negatively impacted due the lack of "realness" and understanding. As christians we believe that change can only come from God, but we have to treat the whole person and by building the relationship and establishing a bond of trust. The Truth is what sets the person free from their situation. Just like chains come in different strengths from the little jewelry weight to the huge, hundred ton chains on the anchors of ships, so do situations is life from the annoying and frustrating to the overwhelming and dellusional ideas that take over a persons life. But, all things are possible through Christ.

My verse Romans 8:28 shows itself more and more these days. I can see God gathering all my pieces and putting them together, I just can't figure out what He is making from all the "yuck and weirdness". But He is the potter, I am just the clay. He can form the vessel into whatever he wants, I just want to be used finally and get off the shelf. I always thought I was going to be more like the balls of clay used to fix cracks and fill holes in other vessels, not really a complete vessel of my own. Oh well, it warms up the brain cells to try to figure God's Plan out, but He tells us that we will not be able to because we do not think like him, our timing is different than His, our ways are different than His.

Obedience is scarry but it builds our character and our faith in Christ so, splish splash, here we go.... Bright Minds, Helping Hands and Holy Hearts has started. It is a "Group" on facebook, ( it is free to join facebook and opportunities and resources are limitless on there, there is a link at the top of the page where you can join, and make me your friend) or you can comment here or email me privately and I can send you information. I just need your name, email and a little about you and what skills, talents and gifts you have to put to use. If you write, teach, do audio/visual stuff, web design, have food resources, clothing resources, whatever include that too.

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