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Monday, October 13, 2008

Good Steward versus a Packrat

Oh Man, my closets are bursting and I am so unsure why. I am not that much of a shopper, and most of this stuff is, was supposed to be some project, assignment, highly desired christmas present that was practical and useful. And yet, I have things with no real home, again.

I have purposed in my heart to go through each closet, shed and file drawer and finally just get rid of the things that are not part of our lives, regardless of why the items are here, how much they cost or how much they are planned to be used "Soon". If you can't go to the calendar and write on a square when the item is going to be used, then it is going by THIS FRIDAY, October 17,2008. Several good ideas, and projects have been waiting for time to be given to them, time that is just not available. So the items will have to go. I have developed serenity, to only tackle the things that I do have control over, my projects, the closet contents and the purchasing of future projects and those things that are outside my control cannot be worried about.

I have always referred to myself as a packrat, but after trying to explain some of my stuff today, I realized I am just a good steward and that plans have changed and storage has been revamped so that alot of stuff has been displaced and therefore, forced downsizing.

Random House Dictionary defines a packrat as a person who collects, saves, or hoards useless small items. And a steward is defined as A person who manages another's property or financial affairs, or who administers anything as the agent of another or others. A person who has charge of the household affairs of another. (A wife).

Sometimes we just have to refocus and decide that we are not going to worry about why this stuff has been taking up space for so long, and all the wasted money and missed opportunities since these wonderful projects did not get done. Sometimes it is the things that happened instead that matter. It is the kind words of our husband saying, "Don't worry about it, you tried to sell it, the money has been gone, just pack it up and get rid of it".

The reduced inventory to have to shuffle and the reclaiming of the lost space for things that really are important to the family are blessings for the sacrificed pride and money that has kept these things here all this time. If only time was as easy to reclaim, but that is why we have mercy. No regrets, just learning and moving on. :)

What a good feeling to be free, the truth, that the time needed for this stuff is just not available and it is not worth holding on to, has set us free from clutter. WEEEHEEE.. Free at last :)

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