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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spreading the Word.. Christ is in You, Victory is Yours


This video and song are very inspiring. This is what so many are looking for and are hungry for. They are leaving their families, hurting themselves or taking their own lives because they are missing the truth and the victory over their troubles.

Youtube is full of Christian videos that can encourage and teach those that need to know Christ.

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, and the holidays are just around the corner, these are the hardest times for some people, even those that have salvation don't fully know Christ's power over their lives and their circumstances. They do not understand the full blessing of Christ's love and that all they have to do is call on Him, and believe they can be lifted from their pit of despair. The surroundings may not change, but Christ is there with them and they can have joy and peace even in their storm, because these come with Christ.

Spread the word... Spread the love...

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