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Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day is available for your soul too!!!

Today we celebrate our countries independence from England. We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence declaring our separation and freedoms. We can have that spiritually too, and not just at the point of salvation. But, anytime we feel we have moved away from Christ being are all in all and have stored up our own treasures, made our own plans, when we are so bogged down with poor choices, bad actions, and are bound so tight by the grip of sin all we can do is cry.

**Listen to Alabaster box, Shackles, Wake Me Up Inside, and A Place Called Grace on the playlist player!! ***
These songs are so powerful, really listen to the words, hear the promises, and declare your independence from the grip of sin and pour out that oil on the Savior's feet. Drop your problems, hurts, mistakes, poor choices all at His feet and feel the freedom. You can be free and see the fireworks in your life! Break off your shackles and be free. The truth is God, and He set you free, and you are free indeed. Walk and talk like it!, praise Him, for you are FREE!!! And no one can tell you different, no one can keep you from the Savior, He is calling you. Will you come to him and give him your pain? Will you let him remove your shackles and dance for the LORD!!!?

Happy Independence Day!!!

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