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Sunday, June 8, 2008

We did it!!!! Graduation Day was a success

Yesterday was the big day and all the planning and praying paid off. So many of the blogs I read help in my gaining control over the fear and finally settling into my "purpose". Blinders were blown off, misunderstood teachings and old knowledge that was not properly understood was corrected and my heart was healed through the workings of the last few months. God is so good, and patient with me and oh, how I still get caught in mourning the time that has been lost in the "wilderness" but, I am on his time now and He is doing the work (Ah... the rest I have needed for so long... feels as good as a Calgon bubble bath). They say, "Hind sight is 20/20, well hind sight also leads to negative feelings and mourning things sometimes, Spiritual sight is better and it even helps you look back and see things you never saw during the experience, or thing that you saw differently then, now seem as miraculous and pleasing as pretty "wildflowers" in the yard that look like daisies.

For a full account of graduation see the homeschool blog this is a direct link to today's post http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Dotwigg/544573/

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