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Thursday, April 10, 2008

What a Visual!!!! What a Message and an encouragement

Last night I was at Bible Study and we had a visual aid to our discussion of how Christ forgives us, and it was powerful!

There were two jars, one taller than the other, the taller one was filled with water, the smaller one was empty. The tall one symbolizes us, (We tend to think we are Big and sometime think all of us won't fit in Christ or We will loose to much trying to cram in there) Sin was in a syringe, many sins are small, progressive acts like an injection, but once it entered into the water it made a significant difference, the more that was added, noticable changes were seen to the water. But once it was seen (acknowledged) that sin had entered in and changed the water and Christ was acknowledged as being there, ready to cleans the water and that offer was accepted. The big jar of dirty water was poured into the smaller jar, and all the water fit with room to spare. As the dirty water entered the jar, it became clean, as it filled up, it was full of clean water!!! When sin came, as it will, it entered in but was stopped from changing the cleaned water, it still needs to be acknowledged to Christ that we are aware we let something enter our jar that was not pure, but..
We are Cleansed once, We are purified!!! (not matter what the sin is, Christ cleans it and makes it crystal clear) and inside Christ we are protected, as long as we stay in that jar, and have him refill us each day, remember water evaporates, we need to sing the song and mean it, daily "Fill me up, til I runneth over, Lord....Take my cup (my life, my plans, my .......) and fill them with you, let me runneth over and that is what we give to others, the love, the acceptance, the peace that Christ brought to our dirty water. Now that is something to share... Seeing it and seeing yourself in that dirty water and remembering when you were poured into Christ and all that nastiness was cleansed away and you were new, pretty and clean...oh but wait, then life comes bariling along and drop, drop, krplunk, sin comes in and your tainted, but wait..... it is clean!!! your water in Christ is still clean, you are forever changed!!!! You are a new and beautiful creature for LIFE, and the life expectancy of a Christian is ETERNITY!!!! No makeup or fitness supplement can deliver that.

It is a priceless, life changing gift that Christ is offering, and there is no deadline, other than you have to do it before you die, as long as you know exactly when that will be, you have all the time you need to decided to be cleaned. And it is not a painful, long drawn out itemization of all your dirty deeds, you do not have to list them for Christ, He saw you do them, He knows, and You know all you have to say is CLEAN ME!!!! TAKE ME DIRTY AND BROKEN AND POUR ME IN TO YOU, CHRIST!! (That is the only requirement, you have to acknowledge CHRIST, the "man" who died on a cross, bleed to death, was buried and ROSE!!! again for this offer to be extended, There is only ONE way, and HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST) thats it, and with that, as He said, "It is finished" That sin and that dirtiness is gone and forgotten forever, you are no longer a (whatever you did) er, you are new and improved!!! And, if you we cleaned, but you thought you were ruined again by the sin, Well, you were wrong, you can act today and have him fill you up, your jar is still new and beautiful, it is just low, but that can change too. It is all up to you..

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