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Friday, April 11, 2008

Getting to Know You 5X5

This is a response to a post on another blog, that really looks like fun.
You answer these Questions, if you have a blog answer them there and Tagg five of your friends at the end, send them a note they have been tagged and they do the same thing. If you see this and do not have a blog, simply hit the comment at the bottom of this message and post your answers right here. It is like a first conversation with someone, wanting to really get to know them and what they have done, what they want to do.. Good stuff :)

You can copy and paste this information and then edit it. to make it easy. :)

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
2. 5 things on my to do list
3. 5 snacks I enjoy
4. 5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire
5. 5 bad habits
6. 5 Places I've Lived
7. 5 Jobs I've had?

Then Tagg your friends:

My posting

What was I doing 10 years ago? (1998)
Living in Virgina in a 2 bedroom townhouse, with our bounce baby boy
Working full time at a Medical Billing company doing Medicare coding and account servicing.
Attending Church with my in-law
Enjoying my family, being daughter, and big sister to two brothers and a sister, and aunt to one nephew

5 Things on my to do list
Try not to talk- I have had laryngitis for 2 days, now I have no voice and a sore throat. :)
Prepare and Setup for teaching a Plants of the Bible study that starts today
Take my Son to Tutoring in Apex (an hour drive but very worth it)
Write some letters to people who do not do email (yes, they really do exist)
Cook something new for dinner

5 Snacks I enjoy
Any fruit
granola bars
celery (it burns calories eating it!!! sweet)

5 things I would do If I were a billionaire
Donate money to our church
Take my parents on a cruise
Pay off all our debt (Hubby would be so happy!!)
Buy a freezer and a greenhouse
Find people with visions and desires to help people and give them money to help

5 Bad habits
Talk too much..
Always running around-scrambling-unorganized (good intentions poor planning and execution)
Always explaining myself and apologizing for short comings
Get emotional (angry) easily
Always working, do not know how to have down time, and just Relax

5 Places I've Lived
Chesapeake, Virginia (with parents)
Virginia Beach, VA (1st place on my own)
Chesapeake, Virginia (Our first home as husband and wife)
Youngsville, NC (current home for 8 years)

5 Jobs I've Had
Medical Records clerk in doctor's office
Receptionist in Doctor's office
Billing Clerk/Collections Rep in Doctor's Office
Receptionist/office Manager in Doctor's Office
Patient Rep/ Assistant to Medical Assistant/ billing rep in Urgent Care Center

Jenifer http://www.byhisgraceministry.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Jenifer said...

Thanks for joining in. Would love to hear more about the Plants of the Bible study.

I read you post about Wednesday night's visual. Praise the Lord it spoke. I've gotten many comments about it. I think it shows so clearly God's love and forgiveness.

Have a blessed day friend.