The day I had waited and prayed and prayed and prayed for finally came. Saturday, February 15, 1992 Chris was FINALLY (3 1/2 years later) taking me as his bride, to have, love, protect forever. We started our marriage off right in the church, with our families, friends and church family. We had a beautiful "sermon" about the two families blending with us today to become ONE. We lit the candle to signify the two coming together as one. Our lives were now one, and that candle which, of course I kept for years, using it to celebrate us. We had communion to make our faith not just something we did but to bring Christ into our relationship on that special moment as it was being sealed before God the Father. Each time we will take communion in church after today, it is also remembering He has been with us since day one. We were both strong believers, we promised each other things in front of God and everyone we knew. No matter what came our way, we would be able to weather any storm together, that is what we promised.
Everytime I look at the pictures, I can see the excitement and sheer confidence that we were going to set off building our life as one team. The thrill of receiving my most coveted thing, the main prayer request for 8 years. I wanted a Godly man, to build my faith with, to build a godly family with. And God heard me and gave me all that and a great family to welcome me in as a part of their sons life. I could not wait for the pastor to get through to my favorite part of weddings, the pinacle, "And now I pronounce you Husband and Wife". That was the title I had been waiting for. And as we walked out of the church to the tune of "Love and Marriage" (a theme song to popular sitcom at the time, or for the older crowd The Campbell's soup song, which was funny to many since Chris resembles the little boy on the Campbell soup can) hand and hand, Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins.
This year we celebrated our 16th year as Husband and Wife and July 21, we will have been a part of each others lives for 20 years. And it has been an interesting 20 years, we look different (well I do) than we did that day and some things went as we planned all those years ago, but somethings never came out as we hoped or thought they would. But through it all, we have always had one thing working for us even when we did not realize it.
Our vows (covenant) was just like the one God made for Abraham, he was involved, but God completed the process to make it binding and just like our salvation, God was keeping this covenant, we were just there for the pictures. Our individual relationships with God would be our way of coming to the circle, but it was God who would keep us as long as we trusted Him. It has taken us awhile, but we finally realized what made our marriage strong, even when we were in the negative events. When we are weak He is strong.
The verse I like to use when I look at this picture is Ephesians 3:20 Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us... and if I can say one thing that is positive and so helpful it is to write that verse on something and keep it with you, use it daily, when the storms come, and they will, that verse will comfort and remind you where to place your desires and needs, still communicate with your spouse but remember who HE really means. Remember who made the covenant between you and your spouse. You swore before God that this was your hearts desire and although we change our minds, and our "feelings" go through changes. Love is a decision and our love is Christs love and it is able to do what Ephesians 3:20 says. Meditate on that and pray for each other and for binding and protection, and any marriage can stand the test of time. Even marital offenses are covered by the blood and forgiven and if we use Christ's example and his love and forgive each other (quickly and justly) we can have the abundance and the pleasure of our wedding covenant.
To have and To hold, To Love and To Cherish until Death due you part.
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