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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Friendship is a vessel to move us through life.. and Gifts to be cherished.

Friendship is a vessel that moves us through life.. it carries us, hopes, dreams, tasks, possessions, ect.. sometimes is the cruise of leisure, enjoyment, joy and fun..sometimes it is like a ride on the rough and wrathful ocean...or a rough sail; there are port calls; their are times in the docks for repairs and breaks; there shipwreck.. it capsizes.(betrayals and disagreements).. their are battles that damage the ship, but the spirit of friends (especially those that are believers because we are a cord of Three and when we ravel and become wayward He keeps us from breaking).

Friends are Friends forever....   they are gifts to be Cherished..some are easy and evident others are diamonds in the rough..

I am a deep thinker and usually said to "think too deeply and take things too serious" but I am very literal for many reasons.  I was raised that way, I saw and continue to see it modeled and the meanings of words, phrases, gestures usually have one that is literal, easily "word for word translated". 

Communication, Relationships, and Purpose are the three words that make up the person I am.  And people that can deal with it, appreciate it AND encourage it are called FRIENDS... and that is a precious and priceless word in my dictionary.   Every person that comes through my life, is like someone who walks a beach.  Some just glide acrossed, maybe removing something, sometimes caught in a photograph, others make imprints on me and my life, leaving behind things, comments, love, and memories--few or many, and yet others come and sit for awhile and make awesome memories, build things on the barren sand, leave laughter in the air, awesome memories and funny pictures to be treasured forever..

Facebook has been an awesome "Organizing and Utilization" tool and has a wonderful aspect of recording and connecting with your friends and those whom you meet through blogging, games, and other friends.  You can create notes and share them with everyone, you can "tag" your friends as if you were sending them an email, you can send a private message to them that only they see.  The other awesome aspect of facebook is "Finding Friends" you can look for people that had been "previous friends" but you lost touch with them due to graduating, moving away or just life..   I have been able to reconnect with classmates from highschool whom I had not talked to in years, but as soon as the connection was established it was like a time warp.. others is a fresh new friendship blessed by maturity and many new things to connect over.

I have had the priviledge of praying for friends and their families, meeting new people because of something I posted, reconnecting with friends and family and meeting new friends and family members that I never knew before but now have been able to add their branch to our Family Tree (which is another wonderful tool on facebook).

http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/dot.wiggins.92?sk=friends        Friends (398)

.Today I saw one of the lesser appreciated things on facebook, an app or discussion that polls friends as if you were asking "Deleting people tomorrow who I haven't heard from in awhile" do you want to :  Yes keep me, Delete me or I don't care..

First I thought how funny, and then as I have seen it get more and more people using it. (which I think still requires the person to go through and manually delete people) I thought about an email campaign that went around awhile back, "I am cleaning up my contacts list" and I did it because I was having to key in everyone on my laptop Outlook and didn't want to enter someone who was not going to want to keep in touch, but then I ended up adding everyone evidentually for personal issues.  

I wrote a note on facebook and explained why, if they said delete me they still saw me on their list.  I offered my reasons for keeping all my friends and let them know if they wanted to decrease their list they were free to remove me from their list, but I would still consider them Friends, cause to me Friends are Friends forever.. and even the ones that asked to be "left alone or felt the relationship was no longer a positive for them" their feelings were respected but, they will never be forgotten and they are still prayed for and treasured, because I can, do and will Forever.
and "I do.. CHERISH" EACH Friend..

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