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Thursday, March 10, 2011

" I only ask for what I deserve...(what you have committed or promised) Am I the problem? Golden Rule..part 2..Mean what you say !

People crack me up, down and sideways..  they willl take everything, moment and thing you offer AND THEN ASK and DEMAND more!!!!  They talk endlessly about, "we will do this, "  "We will go here", "We will sit down and review....talk....whatever"  "I LOVE YOU.. is a commitment and should mean something!

I make painful and diligent effort to communicate my commitment, participation, and intentions.  I am very careful with motives and manipulation (even the innocent (which there is no such thing in the "earthly realm") I am cautious of asking for things, time or otherwise, not wanting someone to do something for me that they are going to resent or didn't really want to do, but.. "I was convincing..or because they loved me, cared.. whatever..)  Even though I do for others simply and promptly because I care for them, their family members whom the request is usually for, (but that is not my problem) and most importantly BECAUSE I CAN!.

If you are rewarded, recognized or otherwise compensated for effort, giving or care-- you can't "double dip" and expect someone to receive the "gift" and pay you back with ANYTHING and that should not be your sole attempt at showing your love (unless that is there 'Love Language' as described in Chapmans books)  It is not mine and I have never said I was bi or multi lingual and if you "know me", "love me" then speak my language!  If you have any question ask.. or read...look and see, I am not complicated.. I am pretentious, glamorous or "HIGH MAINTAINENCE" but even grass has "needs" and alittle care and nuturing makes a big difference..... If you cut it too often, too deeply, neglect it too much. it is not going to grow, remain functional or even remain available to protect your tromping tactical and destructive boots from getting muddy!.  This grass is quality and thriving despite poor treatment, maintainence and care and WILL KICK YOUR ...,  I am not the store bought, fake and fancy "sod" that is rolled out and becomes whatever you want whereever you want.  I am deep rooted, well established ground cover, planted before you were ever on this earth and will be here until the "Master Gardener" plucks me from here..  If you want the pleasure and continued support of the well nourished "growing, loving, giving ground cover then respect it, feed it and then you can continue to enjoy it.  If not, I will choke the mower and you will not continue to damage the roots and hurt the seedlings.

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