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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Life lesson learned in the flowerbed

I began to weed the flowerbed to prepare to plant my beloved blueberry bush and found that the under tended flowerbed had a nasty little vine-weed that had taken over. Worst part was it was not the blantant out in the open kind, no it was the sneaky weeds here and there, with the root underground and the majority of the vine wrapped around the plants kind. Wrapped around my husband's beloved hostas!! The danger was nicely hidden under neath the plants and under ground with only a few weeds seen in the flowerbed, which you pluck off and figure they are gone, but oh, no..

I decided this will not continue. I jumped in the flowerbed and began digging the weeds out and found the beginning of the vine under one of the hostas that was been choked out with the weed making up most of its size holding up the leaves making it look like it was growing beautifully. Silly us, we beamed with pride on our hostas watering them religiously, and all the while we are growing this life sucking weed-vine that is actually killing our beloved plants.

As good gardeners we put down the weed guard that is supposed to keep weeds from growing. Well, the weeds had roots under the ground that we did not "see" or "know" about and we put the guard sheet over them, water gets through and we leave them alone to grow and the weeds were growing up throw the guardsheet and new weeds were planting their roots through it too. We were only cleaning the surface and what we could see but our efforts were no match for these thick and long roots. It amazed me that the roots on the weeds were longer and stronger than those of the hosta.

I was having a ball cleaning up our flowerbed and then I though about the soil and the fact that the top was where we focus our efforts and yet underneath is where the roots (the heart) of the plant is growing and getting its nutrients. As I dug I hit rocks and weed roots and thought, "How in the world did this plant survive through all this junk and still thrive".

Sometimes life is like the flowerbed and we are the hosta, trying to bloom and grow and in need of protection from the weeds of the world that hide and seek to destroy us. Sometimes they are blantant, but other times they are sneaky like the vine-weed and set their long, strong roots deep into our soil and wrap themselves around us and choke us out, and sometimes no one "SEES" or "KNOWS" that we are being infested with a life sucking weed and they may pick a small part of the weed, but the roots are damaging ours and pushing us up out of the soil where the nutrients are and slowly we are dying. We hold onto the weeds thinking that we are strong enough to prevail and that they make our lives fuller and no one can see them, but some people do take the time to look under the leaves and see our weeds and want to help us get rid of them the right way. Ultimately we need Christ to weed our lives and good friends will help us see that and call in the "Great Gardener" and allow him to restore us to a "Pleasure Garden".

Christ Sees and knows about all the weeds, blantant and sneaky, fully established or just starting and he diggs down and plucks it out at the root and removes the rocks and makes our soil good and plenty to sustain us and allow us to bloom and become a plant to praise and bring Him glory.

Does your life need to be weeded down deep? Do you have some weeds that have set their roots out of sight and only you know they are lurking under the cover of darkness? Christ is the light and He can digg them out and clean up your life, all you have to do is ask.

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