Love is the funniest thing on earth. They say God has a sense of humor and I think love is Gods design to create laughter in us when we see how contrasting our thoughts and ways are when shown beside His ways and thoughts. When we use Gods model for our hearts power and strength we are able to Love like He does and like He encourages us to in scripture. When to revert back to our fleshy ways, well the results are not always good, pretty or without scares and wounds. I Corinthians 13:4-6 shows us God's Way and Thoughts of Love:
Love is long suffering and kind; Love does not envey; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in inquity, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
In constant contrast with our earthly and fleshy version of the things we do to show (Remember: Faith is believing in things that we do not see, confidence is the existence even weh we do not have tangible proof) our human efforts to make the target of our hearts desire feel like the most important and desired person in the world. We want to see our efforts effects make the person know that our desire for them and our feelings about them have a pull on them and inspire them to feel special whenever they think of us and our efforts or whenever something shows up from us, (which for me is often, little and quite unique like CD's strategically created to say something special left in the car CD player, crazy and mushy notes left in strange and conspicous places, little trinkets with a coded message, oh the fun..). If we do it with the right attitude we actually act out the scripture. Even when things are not the fairytale we had invisioned, we still have this driving force to try to be there for our companion, we want to see them happy and confident in us, we want to be able to change their mood and feelings. Even when they do things we cannot help ourselves to not be happy about them suffering consequences. That is when we know we love them. Our hearts desire is this persons success and happiness. We desire to effect this person for the better. And when we are with a person that shares this "view" and desires the same for us that is PERFECTION!! and much better than any confection and much easier on our diets and calorie counts.
And as with any gift or character building guideline that Christ gives us, Love has benefits, protections and PROMISES!! LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!! 1 Corinthians 13;9.
John 3:16 is to remind us how much we are loved, and that is our foundation and example of how far our love is designed to be stretched and how much we are to desire and purpose in our hearts to endure in the Name of LOVE, aka Jesus Christ.
What is your definition of Love? How do you show love? How do you determine you are receiving love? As Dr. Phil says "How is that working for you"?. Today can be the New day in the "New Love" that carries all the benefits and promises of the One who LOVED YOU FIRST.
Listen to the song on the Playlist player: "Amazing Love"
Happy Valentine's Day!!! and if your not in an earthly relationship right now, You could be in the awesome HEAVENLY Relationship and receive the MOST AMAZING LOVE! need more information, comment here or email me privately.
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