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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Words can be more : Opposites can attract!

Opposites can attract !

Love & Hate (not anger)

To truly understand a concept or an idea, we need to know the terminology and understand it, and use it in proper context. Understanding comes from knowledge being used, but if we misuse knowledge, or if the knowledge is flawed then the understanding is going to be affected too. Much of our knowledge comes from others, usually from verbal and non-verbal communication. It scares me terribly to see how much is taken on someone's word only, without any reference where they got it from, just the "because I say it, therefore it is" mentality. What if they misunderstood, or picked up non-verbal communications that were not intended and that influenced what they retained from the conversation? What if that information was just meant for a specific situations or specific person and is not a global truth? Where did this information come from originally? What does the Bible say about this?

What if they got their information from someone that got it from someone else who really did not understand what they were talking about, or even more dangerous did not really know, but just thought about it and said the first thing that came to mind. Today so much is whatever anyone wants to make it. We do not really think about what we are saying as much as we use to. In the old days, your reputation was very important, if you became known as someone who regularly gave bad or misleading information, you were determined a fool and were rarely consulted. If you gave misleading information a lot, it was considered on purpose and you were also considered dangerous and conspiring to mislead people. On the opposite side, a wise man ( or women) was one who regularly provided good and helpful information that not only answered questions but also provided sources and resources for deeper investigation. Wise people were highly desired and very much consulted on complicated or important issues to help people to think in deeper and more responsible ways to come to the best and most productive decisions.

Love and Hate are opposites but when it is God's love it is very much able to attract.

Many people consider anger the opposite to love, but it is not. Anger is not a sin, but 99.9% of the time anger leads to sin. Just because it is popular thinking and many think so, that is not the TRUTH!, according to the Random House dictionary, the opposite of Love is not anger, it is hate, which is something different and much deeper and more passionate. The world says that if we do not agree with someone 100% of the time, on everything then we do not love them. WRONG!!! If we are true and honest, very few people agree 100% of the time on anything. We basically agree or we can follow the person's logic and will agree to go along with them, even though if we were doing it, we would do it differently but we can support them in their way of handling it. You can love someone enough to tell them they are wrong. The opposite of Love, is Hate, which is an intense and very strong, deep disgust (to cause nausea or loathing, to offend the good taste, moral sense, or strong distaste; unwillingness to tolerate). God hates sin! And separates himself from SIN, but loves us enough to seek us out, to call us out of our sin and offers to change us and make us His and therefore eligible to LIVE with Him in Eternity.

God gets angry! At us, he warns us about sin and about the destruction that these behaviors, decisions and activities will bring to our life as we know it and to the lives of others. Our "Salvation" comes from BELIEVING in His son Jesus Christ, who walked this earth as flesh and blood, but never committed a sin. He walked, and talked, He preached, and taught, He served, He feed people, He prayed to the father, He had friends who betrayed him, yet He NEVER SINNED!!!. He loved us, He begged the father to forgive us for we knew not what we were doing, He was WILLING to die on the cross to make the way for us, to come to the Father, by His Blood we have a way to access the Father, through the son.

We sing a song in church, By the Blood: from (http://www.higherpraise.com/Lyrics4/7_IComeByTheBlood.htm )

I Come By The Blood

You are the perfect and righteous God whose presence bears no sin

You bid me come to Your Holy place, how can I enter in When Your presence bears no sin

Through Him who poured out His life for me, the atoning Lamb of God

Through Him and His work alone, I boldly come

I come by the blood, I come by the cross
Where Your mercy flows from hands pierced for me
For I dare not stand on my righteousness
My every hope rests on what Christ has done, and I come By the blood

These words are so much more than words, they are ANSWERS, WISE, HELPFUL, LIFE GIVING SOLUTIONS TO ANY PROBLEM!

How do you access the father, through the cross, the son's blood, by believing He died on that cross for YOU!! That whatever good you do, is not good enough, YOU cannot keep yourself holy, because you never were holy. You cannot live good enough, because you were born sinful, our very nature is selfish, self motivated, self serving, we cannot love ourselves enough to make us better. Love has to come from someone else, It comes from GOD. All you have to do is believe, say whatever you want, the prayers people demand of you, are not what God says, All he says you have to do, is BELIEVE! Bam that is it! Who are you going to Believe, God, the creator, the father who gave his son, they will give you life or all those who say, you have to do this, say this, do not do that….

Prayer, studying and working with other Christians is not required, they are more gifts and for your benefit. Socializing with Christians and serving others helps you gain understanding and depth in your relationship with Christ. It gets the words off the page and into your life, your brain receives things better when you can see, smell, taste, hear, feel the words through actions (working out your salvation). If this is the first time you are hearing this information. Read it for yourself, go online look up Ephesians 2:1-8. Read it in a printed Bible, visit a local church, ask to speak to a pastor. Email me or comment here.

Life is only a word, but it is so much more when you are in it, and you feel it, when you Believe you are LIVING!!.

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