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Monday, April 7, 2008

The Eve of the Big Day!!! I will be 38 tomorrow

Oh, How the time flies... Some will be very confused when they read this because if I ever talk about my age, it is usually "I am not as old as you think or I am old enough to know better" or a few times I borrowed the line from the cosmetics commercial " I am only....29". But the truth always comes out and the truth is I am 38. But this is a new era in my life and I am okay with that, I have been (or tried to be) alot, seen alot, read a whole lot, and learned alot so it is all good. My 12 year old son, Charles, asked me the other day if I was going to tell people I was 29 anymore (we had a long talk about lying) and I told him I was not, because I am not. He told me he was glad that I was going to tell the truth, he said "I don't think people believed you anyway, they can do the math and 2008 minus 29 and you would have only been a baby in the 80's and babies do not listen to that kind of music" I had to giggle at him, at least he got a math lesson, and a little cultural history too. Kid's say the darndest things and keep us painfully honest. :) God bless them.

You know you are "mature" when you get a call about your Highschool Reunion and the dress code is not as "formal" anymore and "comfortable dressy" is now how we describe how to dress.

The scripture that I use most often when I think about the outward appearance or any comparison in worldly terms is: Psalms 139:14 And I Will Praise thee; for I am Fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

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