Life is compared to many things. Especially in terms of Spiritual endeavors it is referred to several analogies; Walking a path, Walking in the dark, Walking on the beach (footprints), Sitting in the meadows, Time outs (Jonah and the tool shed). Everyone has to find their analogy and image to help them in times of struggle, doubt, and disappointment. So often the analogy vaporizes and your standing around trying to figure out "What's next", sometimes feeling like ducking to avoid "the other shoe from smacking you in the head". Some days I feel like I am living out the Country Song "I will Pray for you".. (but I know God does not honor such prayers, and much like Wonderwoman's "bullet proof wrist bands" defeats bullets and weapons formed against us.. and what he does for us we can do for others. If we will.
Life..can be as secure and clear as an indoor rock climbing wall. No matter what comes the rope is attached to the top and the belayer (and the hook in the floor) have the other end to "control the possible fall and steady your body so you can cling to the rock.. The Climb is not as much about the appearance, or the likelihood you can make it.. it is about suiting up and getting in the position to climb and "praying you can get up the rock without killing yourself or the poor little teenaged belayer. Once you lift and reach for the first handle and take that first step.. you have rock climbed.. Then the insanity and excitement that you actually did it takes over and you take another step. Life is a process and it may take a few times to get to the desired level or position on the rock but.. no matter where you end up, you Rock Climbed.. You Lived!
Other times it is like Hiking out in the open, but the path is set also, you start at the point were you park like at Stone Mountain and proceed up a "cleared and marked path" there are paths off the main path but they all lead either toward the top or back down to the parking lot and you can start over again and avoid the detours and just follow the straightened path.
The view from the top is quite different than from below or from the side. and Pictures don't fully capture the awe and beauty of the climb, the exhileration and pride of making it up and the remembrance of the experience and the ones that climbed with us. The pictures are great to remind of us all that was involved with the moment and to help us encourage ourselves to reclaim that determination, enjoyment and satisfaction.
Times to sit and take a break together, and give the camera man time to enjoy the fact he is ready to continue and has not been phased by the journey that nearly killed his "YOUNGER" teammates :).
Fears conquerred, physical limitation overcome and beauty captured all in one journey and a picture to remember it all.
Time outs, with purpose and personal goals and desires. The attempts to physically capture the beauty with that which God has given me. An artist I AM NOT! but I WANT TO BE able to draw a stick, rock, and a puddle and have it be able to resemble such.. still trying :).. But scratching a pencil or marker acrossed a piece of paper to make marks in the shape of what I see, I am able to do and I see what they were (with the help of pictures attached :).
Life..can be as secure and clear as an indoor rock climbing wall. No matter what comes the rope is attached to the top and the belayer (and the hook in the floor) have the other end to "control the possible fall and steady your body so you can cling to the rock.. The Climb is not as much about the appearance, or the likelihood you can make it.. it is about suiting up and getting in the position to climb and "praying you can get up the rock without killing yourself or the poor little teenaged belayer. Once you lift and reach for the first handle and take that first step.. you have rock climbed.. Then the insanity and excitement that you actually did it takes over and you take another step. Life is a process and it may take a few times to get to the desired level or position on the rock but.. no matter where you end up, you Rock Climbed.. You Lived!
Other times it is like Hiking out in the open, but the path is set also, you start at the point were you park like at Stone Mountain and proceed up a "cleared and marked path" there are paths off the main path but they all lead either toward the top or back down to the parking lot and you can start over again and avoid the detours and just follow the straightened path.

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