Life, Choice, Freedom, Heritage, Authority, Service, Purpose, Meaning, Ambition, Appearance, CHARACTER, LOVE, SPIRIT, FAITH are words, aspects of bigger things and stumbling blocks to the person walking and those watching and possibly following.
Who is your Daddy? is becoming more and more a confusing question with devastating consequences. On TV it is riveting and exciting when a child comes home from school and announces that they studied blood or DNA in science and did a test and found out the were Type _ and the man stands there and says "Oh that can't be cause I am.. and your mom is __ so you should be __" or on the talk shows a man decides he does not believe he is the father and the test results are in the envelope.
We are so proud when we Choose our friends, and make our "Like Family" we adopt people into our family that are like us or closer in proximity than our biological family when we are away from home. We have spiritual parents (those that presented the gospel to us and helped nuture our spiritual growth), We have our "Father in Heaven".
According to Genesis, Abraham and Sarai (name meaning "contencious" in greek) whom God changed her name to Sarah and said that women whom followed her God where as daughters and should follow her example. Although she was beautiful, she was adored Abraham, her husband; her provider was GOD whom she prayed to, Believed in and was in waiting for.. She had his eyes in mind when she dressed, worked and served. She would get into her own image and ways, as humans due but she would find her way back to God when the "LIGHT OF TRUTH showed her the way.
It is written to Pick up your cross (burdens, past, heritage, problems, failed businesses/careers) and follow Him, He will take the burdens and give us a yoke that is light and bearable.
Pictures are more powerful than words and give us a visual guide....
Our Biblical culture and heritage was a simplier and more hands on lifestyle.. "A man who did not work did not eat"; "A man was the head and provide for his family"; "they picked up their mats and tents and load their donkeys to travel".
Jesus Christ, son of God the Leader of the Disciples teaching them about the Father and His will for all mankind. Teaching them the ways to continue the work of the Father after He departs. While knowing how he will serve later this night.. yet He shows by example how they are to serve others. Teaching is not by "word only as we are told to not be hearers of the Word but BE Doers also". Christ instructed he who thought he was greater than another to serve the lesser and then he "Did as he taught, He (Lord or Lords and Son of God) bowed to each of the disciples and preformed one of the most demeaning yet necessary and comforting acts in that time, he removed their sandals, washed their feet and Prepared them.
Jesus came to the home of Martha and Mary and wanted to talk with them and break bread. Each of them had a different way of preparing for his arrival and for their time with Him. Mary (full of her desire and feeling she was going to be praised for her work) pleaded with Jesus to rebuke her sister, Martha, for leaving everything and sitting at the Saviors feet. To her surprise, He rebuked her, for not doing the very thing he asks "drop your...(life) and come with Me and do my work".
We pray for a "LIGHT ON A PATH", "SHOW ME THE WAY" "Light this darkened world. and we are looking for a fancy chanderlier or a flashlight lighting the path from behind us. Yet, it is written "HE goes before us and will light the path, HE HAS PREPARED for us, He is at hand and will "Straighten our path". The LIGHT of TRUTH is BRIGHT AND SHINING LIKE THE SUN! Paul was Blinded to make him see the errors of his ways.
Who is your Daddy? is becoming more and more a confusing question with devastating consequences. On TV it is riveting and exciting when a child comes home from school and announces that they studied blood or DNA in science and did a test and found out the were Type _ and the man stands there and says "Oh that can't be cause I am.. and your mom is __ so you should be __" or on the talk shows a man decides he does not believe he is the father and the test results are in the envelope.
We are so proud when we Choose our friends, and make our "Like Family" we adopt people into our family that are like us or closer in proximity than our biological family when we are away from home. We have spiritual parents (those that presented the gospel to us and helped nuture our spiritual growth), We have our "Father in Heaven".
According to Genesis, Abraham and Sarai (name meaning "contencious" in greek) whom God changed her name to Sarah and said that women whom followed her God where as daughters and should follow her example. Although she was beautiful, she was adored Abraham, her husband; her provider was GOD whom she prayed to, Believed in and was in waiting for.. She had his eyes in mind when she dressed, worked and served. She would get into her own image and ways, as humans due but she would find her way back to God when the "LIGHT OF TRUTH showed her the way.
It is written to Pick up your cross (burdens, past, heritage, problems, failed businesses/careers) and follow Him, He will take the burdens and give us a yoke that is light and bearable.
Pictures are more powerful than words and give us a visual guide....
Our Biblical culture and heritage was a simplier and more hands on lifestyle.. "A man who did not work did not eat"; "A man was the head and provide for his family"; "they picked up their mats and tents and load their donkeys to travel".

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