Prayer Request: My health-neurological issues are becoming an issue AGAIN and I have an appointment with my neurologist Thursday (Feb. 12). I have not been to her since 2006 so I am a new patient, hopefully she has memory loss and we can start a fresh. Our last visit was not the best and she was mad then that I had stopped so of my medication, she is probably going to be really mad that I have stopped all medication AND WILL NOT take any that I do not agree are effective, worth the side effects and is a must! If it can be done naturally it must be done!.
Pray for wisdom and discernment, a good attitude (mine is still not great) and well it is a new year so hopefully hers will be fine (progress!! positive thinking until proof of doom is delivered). Finances are a HUGE concern and frustration we have good health insurance but everytime I use it here in Carolina it is a fight to get them to file it correctly and coding is ALWAYS an issue. I am tired of having to fight for things to be done right and fairly (ah..that attitude again!)
Down here Wake Med is the force to be reckoned, it is a big group and is not always easy to find out the doctors are with them and that is another thing I am so wanting to avoid, but options are limited so... I guess the spirit issues need to be lifted up too; trusting God is going to "solve and cure" this finally AND in a way I am content with is my biggest prayer.
I am in a really selfish and unsubmissive mood on this and am really tired of dealing with these issues, the doctors and the pain/numbness, worrying about what it is and what will need to be done and there are just somethings I am not willing to say "Have you way, Lord", "It is well with my soul, if you choose...." Well Sad but True",(Metallica Song) it is not!!! I want either to be cured or correctly diagnosed and CONSERVATIVELY treated and for it not to cause anymore pain or discomfort. And I do know that whatever door God leads me through Thursday He will guide and comfort me through the entire process, but.... like Noah negoatiated with God, I want a little mercy and would prefer to have the easier and less scaring road for a change. I want a full nights sleep, to wake up and feel rested. I want to be able to complete a thought and what comes out of my mouth is what I thought I said. (very comical but quite annoying and dangerous in some situations), I want to be spasm/pain free, and to have feeling in the left side of my body ALL the time, Waaaaa. Waaaaa .Waaaaa.
Oh, well the truth is not always pretty, appropriate or logical but it does set us free.
1 comment:
I will pray,
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