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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are you kidding Me????? Moron Me??? My Bible says I have Wisdom (thinking of God) in me,

Well, I have been called alot of things but this takes the cake. I hope this is just the first posting they have read, but the header and the welcome on the sidebar give you a good indication about me and this blog. People are funny, not! And the funny thing is I think this person looks a little "unwise" , because I have found who I am and I know what I am capable of, and this revelation did not happen in Church, it happen in a walking track with God. You read the bible and learn about God and his unconditional, fulfilling love and then you go to church and see people holding the same book you are reading and then you watch and listen to them, "LOVE another". In this world that is a 4 letter word and there are thousands of books about what Love is, in the Greek there are lots of words for Love. And then people like this who represent themselves as a believer and church person make you think, "WHAT the heck????"

What is the problem with asking for the details or specifics of what people mean when they say "I Love you" or "You are great"? That's nice, why or how..... that is what the questionaire was asking. For people that know me it is something they are used to answering from time to time. It is a way of letting a person know that comment is really meant for them and is not just something you say to fill the space. Being real and honest should not make a person a moron. If anything it should be the other way around. But that is just my opinion.

I received this comment Annoynomously today:

If you're going to try something like this you would do better to have a look at the bible and churches first to avoid looking like incomplete morons. Someone might read it then.

I found this comment to be a reflection of the new attitude of many people, even "Church" people. First of all the "Church" in the bible is like many other things, a foreign concept translated into english and misused. It is an ideal, goal and possible way thing could be when those people that make up the church are behaving and doing the things the bible talks about. The Bible and Church are resources to get to the answer, Christ, that is who really decides who we are and what we are.

In this comment there are several things I would like to point out, firstly the hiding behind the annoynomous label to say something like this is a bit telling. Secondly, the name calling is showing lack of understanding, respect and caring. The funniest part, which is what compelled me to post the comment on the post and respond back to it and to post it here and address this head on! Obviously "SOMEONE" reads it!!!. ( the commentor is loved and treasured by God too, and they are Fearfully and Wonderfully made, per my Bible). Just because no other comments are posted does not mean I have not received them. I also receive private emails from people or phone calls. Also, if the person read the questionaire, it was asking about perception or how someone thought, not for them to tell me Who I am. Also the person refers people to the Bible, well... The bible says that I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made. That I was designed to please God and that my efforts are to bring Him glory. and in every other post there are signs that I do that, and that should have been included in this thoughtful response from this "Church person".

The bible is not a WEAPON!!! it is not the magic black book that you flip to it and find things about you written like an encyclopedia. The Bible is about God, having a relationship with Him, Living for Him, helping people find him, helping people live for Him, How to return people to their relationship with God. "Churches" need to get in the Word, learn what it is really saying and start doing what the Bible really says and quit making it about what we want it to be.

People are searching for personalized relationships like they read in the bible. People are hurting, doubting, confused, lonely, searching for encouragement, and they do go to church and are met with people like the one who posted this message. Judgmental, they do not care or want to know why the person is complainy, negative, whinny, not walking correctly. They just want to whip open their answer book and start quoting scripture and pointing their finger at someone. Or, they are immediately flooded with requests to serve, things to contribute, ways to help out.. Sometimes they do not even get a chance to introduce themselves.

People live, breathe, feel, think and have needs. If we did not have these things we would not have freewill, which God says he gave us so we could choose to have a relationship with him. If you need something, want something, like and dislike things chances are you are going to come acrossed someone else that needs those same things, wants the same things, dislike and like similar things. We are called to love, not this sad excuse for Worldly love that can't even be defined. People tell you all the time, "I love you", "You are so ...." "You are great". Some people actually care about the How and Why's. If I do not know what has pleased someone so much, how do I know to do it, we are good about telling people to quit doing things that bug us (or at least telling everyone else that we wish the person would cut it out) but how often do you tell a person, "I really like it and appreciate it when you do or say ...., Thank you". tick tock tick tock.... (Seldom--to Never).

This lack of understanding, true caring and encouragement and hypocracy is what the world points to for not going or for stop attending churches. Our first place to go is not the Church, the Church is "practicing doing the things in the bible", but many of the scriptures talk about "Pointing people to God". Life is all about God, he created us, he blessed us with talents, families, friends, ect.., he keeps us, loves us, and we are supposed to be living for Him.

Think before you act or speak in the Name of Church people because not all of us agree with acting uncaring, unloving and misrepresenting the purpose of the Bible or the Church.


Anonymous said...

The advice to you was that your blog is a very pathetic display which you can't expect anyone to bother reading.

Allie T said...

Wow. Some people have a little too much free time on their hands (the anonymous commenter). Your response is great. I for one enjoy reading your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

This is not a successful attack on christians and you have shot yourselves in the face.

satan knows God's word is a weapon against him the fact is written all the way along the bible. only an incomplete moron would make a mistake on that. as complete morons after more training with satan you will be looking to be more like him and know your bibles better so you can try and attack chrsitians in ways that dont make you look like idiots instantly.

spoiler: satan always loses.

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous,

As an act of Grace, I am going to give you something you seem to be lacking, RESPECT and understanding. I have posted your comments but if the unfounded spewing continues it will not. You need to stop and think!!! You are the one attacking and yes the Bible (which to show proper respect is to be Capitalized!! there is no other) is a weapon unto satan, but not to use on other people, you do not use the scriptures on the people you use on the powers of sin that have control over their lives. Maybe you need to revisit that. I am glad you came and read, but you need to take some time and understand what is written. Your comments and behavior and giving CHRISTIANS a bad name. You seem to have a lot of advice for me and my "pathetic" blog, which was started and is reviewed by Godly councelors, it is prayed over and it was an act of FAITH!!!.

I am praying for you and hope that you find the filling that you need.
Please feel free to email me privately I would like to know who I am talking to and which Bible you are reading. Exactly what you have so much difficulty with and here you out.

Thanks for reading the blog and commenting.
Dot (~) In HIM,

judy said...


Anonymous said...

Keep it up. we love your blog. take care Janet

Dee said...

I have noticed this Anonymous commentor has been to other blogs so please do not take it personal. Yikes! I will proably be the next target. Dee